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The Geography of the Czech Republic

this country is almost completely
surrounded by mountains that have served
as its border hi I’m Rebecca Brayton and
welcome to and today we’ll
be checking out the geography in the
Czech Republic the Czech Republic is a
landlocked country in Central Europe the
Czech Republic consists of almost 80,000
square kilometers or roughly 30,000
square miles of land the country is
surrounded mainly by small mountains and
mountain chains the majority of the
landscape consists of a large plateau
and basin called the bohemian plateau
and massive the country’s capital Prague
can be found on this terrain to the east
the region of Moravia is quite hilly
characteristic of the panorama our
forests and trees the Czech government
is concerned with preservation of
natural heritage examples of this effort
include breeding of endangered and rare
animal species as well as the creation
of nature reserves for significant
landscapes the Czech Republic is a
perfect country to serve as the heart of
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