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The French Empire

two periods in French history comprised
the French Empire under charismatic and
prestigious leadership in 1804 Napoleon
Bonaparte’s crowned himself Emperor and
began a regime as glorious as the days
of Rome this event put an end to the
first Republic at the height of the
Napoleonic Empire the military achieved
extensive presence stretching from the
Atlantic coast to Russia and from the
North Sea to the Mediterranean
Napoleon ruled over 70 million people
throughout Germany Italy Spain the
Illyrian provinces and more during this
period the French administration
introduced Napoleonic Code that made all
people equal before the law
legalized divorce an established jury
system the French defeat against Russia
triggered the fall of the Empire one by
one Napoleon’s allies joined the
coalition of powers against him the
final defeat happened in 1815 at the
Battle of Waterloo ending Napoleon’s
attempts to re-establish his empire the
regime of Napoleon the third as of 1852
marked the second French Empire the
capital of power remains Paris at this
time the rise of neighboring pressure
created unused within the French
National Assembly the French army
suffered a series of defeats in the
summer of 1870 and Napoleon the third
surrendered to the Prussians by
September of that year a mob invaded the
National Assembly and the Third Republic
was born
victor hugo’s 19th century novel louisa
have drew attention to the working
conditions of women and children
it was immediately successful inspiring
a number of staged versions at the peak
of his fortunes napoleon the first
commissioned lacked attempt and lacked a
town chicago said
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