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The Decemberists On ‘The King Is Dead’

this album was the band’s first number
one and is a departure from their
traditional expansive epics hi I’m
Rebecca Brayton and welcome to and today we’ll be
learning more about the king is dead
from indie rockers The Decemberists so
let’s talk about the king is dead I mean
now that it’s been out for a bit
are you happy with the result and how
people have responded to you I like it a
lot it’s so short I think maybe if I had
my say I would make it longer it was
like three tracks and make the record
that I loved so but I like the sound of
it a lot it has a nice flow and people
seem to like it more than anything else
we’ve done at least when it seems like
we know the songs are fun to play live
and that’s that’s how I judge how the
record is is like really fun to play
yeah we’re always thinking in the studio
like how’s this going to come off lie
about reading to perform his lie unless
I’m mistaken you guys recorded in a barn
how did that influence the overall sound
of the the album the original intention
was to go into a place that was big
enough for all of us to set up and play
at the same time when a barns a good
space and plus it’s usually in the
country which this one was and so that
was influential the setting was a very
calm and it’s kind of an adventure we go
out to the woods every day it was a nice
nicer to be away from just the idea of a
studio which could be pretty sterile and
not have windows this had many windows
and no insulation and it lots of sounds
dribbling into the microphones but just
a walk outside and not have it be a
control room with outdated mix magazine
records to come through and you can just
go wander off and this bizarre it was
like 80 acres so
once have you guys ever done any
recording in unique locations before and
do you plan to again the record
picaresque we did in a Unitarian Church
I guess it was yeah but it was actually
a guy’s house come to find out and he
was actually living the vestibule that
record of I think was more affected by
this by the place because it was such a
high ceiling that it’s covered a real
booby big open sound or the barn we kind
of controlled it with baffles and things
so you probably wouldnt be able to even
tell that it was recorded in a big room
if you didn’t know did you have any
ideas for the future other weirdo places
that you can stay I’d love to go back to
the studio for the next one
now for those of us not lucky enough to
have seen a Decemberists live show why
don’t you tell us how this album is
translating live and what we might
expect at the show some slow songs and
fast songs some new song Simone yeah
lots of energy most I mean every night’s
different some nights were like really
silly and some were more just rock we
can play two nights back-to-back and
they could be totally different but if
everything is going well and everyone’s
feeling great it should be a high-energy
fun experience
like we see at a December show I mean
who’s in your audience know a strange it
used to like be kind of college rock
kids now in tirana kids people that
basically look like like us then no I
don’t I smell pot our concerts and
that’s not gonna left over from hazards
in love yeah we got some hippies like
STONER rockers and I still smell it like
the first note I’m like oh you didn’t
hear the new record yet dude you’re not
going you know drug but there’s people
all kinds you know there’s a lot of more
people who are our age bracket a little
older than your usual rock fan coming
out to the shows which is really cool
and then their kids you know we people
have a lot of kids coming like young
kids thanks very much good thank you
you’re welcome
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