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The Best Movies of the Year – Where Rolling Stone Went Wrong

none of these are sunshine and rainbows
movies hey guys welcome to the realist
I’m Rebecca this is Liam Oh welcome
we are the ranking experts at WatchMojo
you know that I know that anyway so we
think we’re qualified to tear apart
Rolling Stones Peter Travers top 20
movies of 2018 what do you think let’s
get into it
let’s trash alright let’s jump right
into it at number 10 with Green Book yes
otherwise known as one of the Farley
brothers trying to make an actual good
movie not that Dumb and Dumber is not
good but but this is a roadtrip movie
yes true very different though the movie
everyone’s calling be Reverse Driving
Miss Daisy do we think it deserves to be
on the list at all I don’t I feel like
it’s a movie that kind of comes out
every year it’s a bit of a safe choice
and it’s a bit of a boring choice it
kind of made some safe choices with not
really going into how terrible things
could be in the scenario they were in I
feel like in a year’s time we won’t be
talking about this movie which which
kind of sucks but because it is great
but I mean I know but am I talking about
any of the movies from last year true
what came out last year exactly well
moonlight was last year with those two
years ago oh then I don’t know yeah but
anyway at number nine the cringe pick
eighth grade
definitely cringe pick right oh you were
saying that you have you will never
watch it again no I was really good I
really liked it I don’t want to watch it
again cuz I don’t want to relive my teen
years I think I have seen this movie
like five times at this point I think
it’s so rewarding for re-watch and I
think it does something really
interesting that teen comedies haven’t
done in years 100% I think every teen
comedy that’s come out recently has
always done this thing where they
reference John Hughes a whole bunch but
this movie kind of like lives in the
moment I would put this take higher
honestly I think it’s one of the movies
this year that has truly done something
original and kind of pushed the genre
forward past this kind of like Tron
Hughes like looking back at the past
kind of thing I actually saw a review
article that was called and I have to
read it because you’ll see how Bo
Burnham uses like language
you capture an age of like anxiety and
basically it’s about how the filler
words like um and like indicate the
process of struggling yeah and not
unintelligence yeah and I thought that
that was a really interesting like
there’s just so many layers to this
movie is basically yeah just like just
the moments of her life talking to the
camera are so like realistic and very
like she’s actually doing that and she
actually has a youtube channel and it’s
very cringy and very awkward to watch
but it’s it’s great
alright at number eight we have the
light pick first performance the wiping
the very heavy movie oh yes very very
heavy movie I think this one got a lot
of critical acclaim and I somewhat agree
I think it kind of goes some weird
places towards the end that I I thought
kind of got a bit full of itself I think
I feel like yeah it’s like movie movie
movie what yeah and then Paul Schrader
just kind of like goes insane I don’t
know it was intentional but probably
like the worst use of green screen I’ve
ever seen you know movie I may get hated
on for saying that but I want to know
like what is this movie about there’s a
lot to work like is it against the
church is it about pollution is is it
about like anti commercialization like
Woody’s I kind of got a bit of a
pollution thing as a whole I think the
cinematography is also a high points for
sure but that being said not a movie I’m
gonna watch again I would really only
recommend watching this if you’re having
like a really bad day and you want to
feel low or sometimes I have those days
I don’t know I mean like sometimes I
have those days where I just want to
watch it depressing as hell movie fair
from first reforms to first man yeah and
number seven Rolling Stones number seven
first man I’m calling this the dad pick
of the year cuz literally every dad
loves every spaceman
true very true my dad doesn’t like space
beef whatever I find this year was like
a really poor year for like dramas and
this kind of movie it’s just kind of
boring and especially the fact that this
came after like lala land and like
whiplash I find Damien Chazelle is is
definitely capable of much more and it’s
kind of just like disappointing it’s
it’s a fine movie and the performances
are all great yeah it’s a
like come on obviously the space movies
gonna be good like I think I think in
2018 for like a biopic you kind of have
to go big and you have to kind of do
something different and I find this
movie just didn’t really think that for
me yeah I mean I was no Apollo 13 true
at number six on Rolling Stones list
actually it’s a Peter Travers list but
whatever is if Beale Street can talk I
love this pick I think Barry Jenkins is
doing something really interesting with
his filmography I think he’s quickly
becoming like a stand up voice for like
this generation I think it’s got one of
the best scores of the year I was
listening to it earlier this morning and
it was beautiful almost brought a tear
to my eye oh I thought you meant like a
run Tomatoes core you meant a musical
score oh it’s got one of the best scores
of the year it’s not as black and white
Lee a race movie as like a black
clansmen because it’s really just about
you know politics and love and survival
and its relationship yeah exactly and
just you know overcoming obstacles and
that kind of thing um Regina King yes
great performance yeah she finally got
that venue Oscar Oscar very well
well sorry absolutely it will be well
deserved when she wins it all right at
number five is Spike Lee’s return to
form nothing he was at a forum but
whatever your black Landsman I love this
movie I think it has probably one of the
most ballsy endings in recent memory
similar the Trump thing yes well like
the whole like archival footage stuff at
the end it was funny where it need to be
funny it was like touching where did be
touching and it was just like I enjoyed
it for the entire runtime and that’s all
I could really ask about a spike Lee
movie in 2018 right I thought was
interesting though that there is so much
racial tension in the United States
right now and he chose to make a movie
that was set in like the 70s yeah I
guess that also makes a point which is
that not much has changed yeah I think
it’s a story that I think is it’s
perfect for this for this year I think
especially and yeah I think it’s one of
the more memorable theatre experiences
I’ve had at number four is not his
favorite but the favorite yes spoke with
yes so Americans are probably hating
spelling that yeah I am actually
surprised that Emma Stone can pull off a
period movie I know I I was surprised
even when this trailer came out I was
like I didn’t know they were making this
and I didn’t know that Emma Stone was
making movie with him but I think
somehow it’s one of the funniest movies
of the year and he’s such a weird
director yeah I want to talk about
Olivia Colman just because she’s kind of
a standout performance in a movie full
of standout performances not the least
of which is Nicholas Hoult yeah weird
you heat Nicholas Hoult is one of the
people that just keeps popping up
everywhere and he always impresses me
it’s just one of those guys who comes in
and he does his job drop well and you
don’t really know this guy yeah I think
I think this is a fitting spot for is
for is a good nice spot it’s like right
in the middle and well appreciate it
yeah all right we’re on to number three
where we’re really starting to agree
sort of except for placement ah black
panther I I think this is a great entry
to the list I don’t know if I’d put it
so high I think for me perfect weight
black panther or infinity war black
panther is a better movie I think if
anywhere had the bigger cultural impact
impact that’s what I’m looking for this
is like the first year where I’ve been
like I think this year was dominated by
super year movies I think those were
some of the best movies is here I okay
so I if you saw our last episode of the
realists I really like action movies and
this is the bad as close to an action
movie as there is on this list yeah but
then I’m like didn’t even really make
straight action movies anymore like we
were talking about this earlier I mean
like Mission Impossible fall I was
really like the only like which we put
on our life good yeah we did perilous
it’s nice to see a movie with such great
vision get recognized I think like Black
Panther did what are we supposed to do
and it did it well and it I think it
should be applauded for that to be
honest alright Liam I think we’ve been
agreeing too much we’re on to number two
with a star is born did you like that
movie I absolutely hate this movie I
think this movie is is way too I don’t
think it’s deserving to be on a top 10
list of any sort other than
we put it at number three on overrated
movies I don’t know
Bradley Cooper kind of just like doesn’t
get the directing thing I do there was a
director hey it was a director’s
roundtable that happened recently and
Bradley Cooper’s tried to describe like
his vision for this movie and it comes
up so poorly he’s like I just wanted to
get to the crux of like a relationship
and like like growing up with traumas
and but like it just like it’s not
worded well and it just doesn’t make
sense but does that because he’s not
articulate he’s a bad director III don’t
that the performances in this movie are
being talked so highly but I find they
never really got like time to breathe
that it’s edited so quickly and so like
I just agree with that because the scene
where whether it like at the beginning
where they first meet and they’re having
that like night I find that scene where
they’re kind of like in the parking lot
it’s just it’s it’s exactly them letting
it breathe I find in 2018 if this is the
kind of movie we’re praising I don’t
know if we’re getting any III I don’t
know I couldn’t really disagree I’ve
been getting a lot of paid for saying
this but I think I think a star’s born
is is overrated I came out of the
theater being like is Lady gaga okay
yeah because I was just like is this
autobiographical for her I just find it
it has no bearing on this at all yeah
it’s no hereditary oh that one hurt all
right at number one is watch Mojo’s
number five aroma I think this movie is
very great and I think it is very that’s
very great it’s very really very great I
think it might be a safe pick for number
one or Best Picture cuz like I got it
safe I think it’s a bit of a hot day
really I think like especially the
Academy of Arts and Sciences there have
been very generous to Alfonso Cuaron in
the past yeah gravity in the reason I
think it’s kind of a hot take for number
one is because it’s not what I would
call accessible to most people very true
it is a slow movie a very very slow
movie it’s like almost over two hours
all right can we talk about the lead
actress yes going to pronounce her name
jalisa apparatus aparicio jalisa
aparicio yes I I was really blown away
by her performance considering that I
read up and she’s had no formal acting
training dessert yes I tried amazing a
lot of this movie is just like literally
the long takes of her I think number one
is is a fitting spot I think it’s a bit
safe but I think fitting I think I would
rather see something a bit more
Universal yeah at number one I think
that a mood like the movie that
everybody saw and everybody loved a star
is born I’m kidding bone to pick with
that I yeah I don’t necessarily have a
pick for that which would have been a
good sound bite to end on but well thank
you guys for watching the realists thank
you for joining me Liam and I discussing
the films you guys should list your top
ten in the comments and enjoy the rest
of our end of your content and have a
great holiday see you next time bye [Music]
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