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The Artwork of Kwangho Lee

like a forest of wires it’s a very apt
description of up-and-coming artist Kwan
goalies latest installation hi I’m
Rebecca Brayton and welcome to and today we’ll be
learning more about this exhibit so can
you tell me a little bit about quango
Lee as a Korean designer he’s young as
26 years old he’s been working for best
23 years designing some different
products and projects he’s been also
doing Jules but the pieces with the wire
is what he’s been doing most what kind
of materials is he working with he took
one element that is the main core of a
lamp which is the wire and he’s strictly
working with wire and he is achieving
most of his lands with one wire I think
it’s defeated see what is so fascinating
and intriguing about it it’s the length
of the wire that is using the work he
does with it and the way to figure out
the shape and look of the map what is
this meant to represent or to say to
people everyday common raw material can
be made into something beautiful that’s
what is trying to achieve with the
pieces can you explain to us what we’re
seeing here and in his art this is
probably the direction it’s going to be
taking from now on duty other pieces but
he wants to move in the bigger wider
installation pieces is dream is to do a
piece I would cut across a whole
building how would you say that this
exhibit kind of fits into lighting
trends that we might be seeing right now
more and more we’re going to a lot of
Technology and a lot of LED lamps to
lower the energy costs that is a bit
about counter-current where it does fit
in the design trends i think is that
we’re seeing in return to arts and
crafts to a mixture of Technology and
handmade I think that this trend is
going to be here to stay because as we
move in a world that is more and more
dehumanized we want to get secured by
the idea of the process in the handmade
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