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Supervillain Origins: The Mandarin

back off pal the same hello pain the
security council is in session in there
the awesome power he possesses is only
matched by evil in his heart welcome to and today we’ll be
exploring the comic book origins of the
Mandarin respect the demands of the
mandarins new word to enjoy glorious
as with most comic book characters
they’re often reimagining and different
versions to a character’s past we have
chosen to primarily follow the storyline
that unfolded in 1964 s tales of
suspense number 50 which was expanded
upon in issue number 62 an egotistical
ambitious and intelligent supervillain
the Mandarin first appeared as a
legendary mad man living in a secret
castle lair deep within Communist China
harboring an immense power granted by
his 10 magic rings he is the descendant
of Genghis Khan and harbors an
insatiable thirst for world domination
following his birth in the 1920s a
statue crushed his wealthy father which
caused his mother
an Englishwoman to die of a broken heart
growing up he spent his entire fortune
on educating himself in science and
combat before the government expelled
him from his family home for his
inability to pay his taxes taking a
pilgrimage to a secret place called the
valley of spirits he discovered an
ancient alien ship filled with countless
secrets therein he discovered 10 magic
gem lake rings that powered the ship as
well as the ship’s pilot who resembled a
dragon spending years repurposing the
spaceship into a castle
he used the alien technology to learn
alien knowledge he took and wore the
Rings as his own and each granted him a
unique ability my new powers were now
quite literal
my fingertips using this power and
knowledge he conquered several villages
and recruited their inhabitants as
servants in his very first comic
appearance he was shown to have grown
powerful enough to be feared by the
Chinese government as they sent
high-ranking military officers to his
castle to enlist his services showcasing
unfathomable power the Mandarin
furiously revealed that he alone sought
to rule the world the mandarins infamy
eventually reached the Pentagon and iron
man was tasked with carrying out a
reconnaissance mission behind enemy
lines to gain Intel about the mysterious
new threat with iron man arriving by
military air drop the Mandarin watched
on his monitors as his forces failed to
destroy the armored invader using a
magnetic beam the Mandarin pulled iron
man into a deadly booby trap which iron
man only narrowly escaped finally
meeting face to face the mysterious
warlord unleashed the power of his ten
rings and quickly immobilized his
unsuspecting challenger locking himself
in an electrified chamber with iron man
the Mandarin attempted to defeat the
hero in hand-to-hand combat using only
his strength and his abilities as the
greatest karate master in the world he
was ultimately defeated when the golden
Avenger blocked his strike at the
perfect angle using the mandarins own
strength against him after iron man’s
escape the duo continued to battle
regularly as the Mandarin launched his
many schemes for world domination and
regularly eluded being brought to
a popular super villain who has matched
strength and wits with Tony Stark and
his Iron Man persona for decades the
Mandarin has appeared in countless media
and comics albeit with altered origins
and powers for example in the 1994 Iron
Man cartoon series he was introduced as
an archaeologist who uncovered the alien
gems which warped his mind and body in
2008 Iron Man film he was indirectly
referenced through the terrorist group
the ten rings before ultimately being
portrayed by actor Ben Kingsley in the
franchise’s third installment are you a
fan of the ring powered tyrant for more
thrilling comic book origins be sure to
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