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Supervillain Origins: Kingpin

this mobster is the Marvel Universe’s
king of crime welcome to
and today we will explore the origins of
Wilson Fisk otherwise known as kingpin
somebody’s been talking somebody always
does as with most comic-book characters
they’re often reimagining and different
versions to a character’s past we’ve
chosen to primarily follow the storyline
that unfolded in 1967 the amazing
spider-man number 50 which was then
expanded upon in 1981 s daredevil number
170 and 1994 s spider-man cartoon series
do I make myself clear
crystal in his debut appearance the
kingpin was first seen after Peter
Parker decided to give in to jonah
Jameson smear campaign and stepped down
as spider-man due to the fear that he
caused in people throwing his suit in
the garbage Jameson came into possession
of it this prompted the word on the
street to spread that Spiderman was no
more as a result the kingpin a
self-proclaimed underground crime lord
emerged to seize control of the city
while Peter decided to quit his
newspaper job as well and devote himself
to studying he did eventually give in to
helping a man being attacked by thugs
reminded of his Uncle Ben and why he
became spider-man in the first place he
broke into Jameson’s office retook his
costume and swung into action with the
kingpin unaware that Spidey was back in
town he planned to silence Jameson from
printing negative coverage about him
preventing any public connection between
him as a legitimate businessman and the
citywide crime spree that was taking
place meanwhile a rival gang member
challenged the large kingpin for
leadership but was quickly defeated as
he was unaware that the kingpins
appearance was a ruse while he looked
obese he was actually completely
composed of muscle and not fat as one
might assume
approximately 2% of my body mass is fat
allow me to show you what 350 pounds of
muscle is capable of after kidnapping
Jameson the kingpin was tracked to his
hideout by spider-man and the two
quickly began to fight gaining the upper
hand by using knockout gas kingpin
prepared to execute both the webslinger
and two meddlesome newspaper chief
leaving the duo in a giant water tank
spider-man awoke and managed to break
free of his bonds creating an airtight
bubble out of webbing for the – to
breathe in believing the two to be dead
the tank was drained of water giving
spider-man the chance to free Jameson
and mountain escape while Jameson got
knocked unconscious in his frantic run
for safety spider-man battled the
kingpin once again before the criminal
mastermind managed a narrow escape
though he would regularly return to
cause problems for the city and its web
slinging protector
he jumped franchises in 1981 this saw
him appear in daredevil number 170
wherein his true identity of Wilson Fisk
was revealed a recently retired mobster
Fisk continued to vie for control of the
East Coast by blackmailing his rivals
with evidence against them in turn those
rivals eventually responded by capturing
Fisk’s wife this series of events led
daredevil to infiltrate kingpins
organization to recover the evidence
however kingpin caught him in the act
and stopped him before he could do so
following this kingpin arranged to trade
the valuable evidence for his wife’s
safe return but he was led to believe
that she had been killed anyway
enraged kingpin took control of the mob
and hired bullseye as an assassin
I never miss while daredevil eventually
managed to defeat this fearsome enforcer
this allowed kingpin the time he needed
to fully rebuild his organization and
become Daredevils arch-nemesis in the
process ultimately while the kingpin
backstory has been alluded to his full
origin story was best told in 1994’s
spider-man animated series here it was
revealed that his father looked down
upon him as a child as he was overweight
and could not help his father in his own
criminal endeavors eventually committed
to prison there he began working out
until he was a juggernaut of strength
changing his identity upon release and
using his vast intellect to build a
criminal empire the greatest crime lord
in the Marvel Universe kingpin has
appeared in various media making
frequent appearances in comics and
cartoons before he was eventually
depicted by the late Michael Clarke
Duncan in 2003 s daredevil daredevil
okay are you a fan of this deceptive
crime ward with only 2% body fat for
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