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Superbowl Snacks: How to Make Onion Rings

why is it the greasy food and watching
sports goes so well together hi I’m
Rebecca Brayton and welcome to and today we’ll be showing
you how to make your very own gameday
onion rings what we’ll need for this
recipe are two large Spanish onions
canola oil 2 cups of buttermilk kosher
table salt and freshly ground black
pepper three and a half cups of
all-purpose flour 1/2 a cup of cornmeal
for crunch a teaspoon and a half of
cayenne powder for heat and optional
Tabasco or hot sauce start by peeling
the onions and slicing them in thick
slices against the grain it helps if you
have a mandolin but if not just use a
sturdy knife
separate the slices into rings and set
heat the oil to 375 degrees over medium
heat in a large heavy bottomed pot or if
you’re lucky in a deep fryer if you’re
not keep traffic the oils temperature
with a candy or deep fry thermometer
line a baking sheet with paper towel and
set aside
meanwhile put the buttermilk in a baking
dish and season with salt and pepper you
can even add some Tabasco or hot sauce
for some extra kick
now place the flour in a baking dish and
add the cornmeal and salts and peppers
take the onion rings and dredge them in
the flour mixture tapping off the extra
now let’s move over to the buttermilk
making sure to cut the whole ring and
then placing it back in the flour
now drop the rings into the hot oil cook
them until golden-brown and tender which
should take about four minutes and make
sure to turn them once or twice while
remove the rings from the oil and place
them on your prepared baking sheets to
the excess oil drinks
once done season them with salt
immediately make sure to serve these
while they’re hot with lots of ketchup
or your favorite dipping sauces
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