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Spoiler Alert Review! Avengers: Infinity War – Where Do We Go From Here? – Mojo @ The Movies

welcome to mojo at the movies I’m Eric
and this is a special Avengers edition
and we are talking spoilers so be warned
we’ve assembled a great panel today as
some experts we have many who is the
director of much of the movies how you
doing Manny
I’m very good Eric wait a minute if
you’re here who’s directing it’s
actually our lovely director Phoebe hey
all right so Phoebe also as a fan of
Avengers hasn’t seen it Justin on the
other hand has Justin is a producer in
our comic books Department how you doing
Justin very very good so we’ve all seen
infinity war and as I said this is a
spoiler review so you know we’re going
heavy and detail no-holds-barred
if you don’t want to know details check
out our spoiler free review which you
can also find on our main page but this
is I mean we’re you know spoiler alerts
let’s get right into it a little bit of
a recap a little bit of spoiler talk
what you think right off the movie right
off the beginning of the movie I thought
this is no-holds-barred right away we’re
in the movie seven minutes and two major
characters from the Thor universe bite
the bullet which is Heimdall which I
kind of had a feeling they were gonna
kill him to give Thor some like driving
force so he just gets a bit of screen
time he gets a bit of screen time he
does something pretty cool and then he’s
gone yeah and the one that kind of like
shocked me because he was a huge fan
favorite is Loki he bites he bites the
bullet right at the beginning very
dramatic good banter between him and
Thanos and this seems like a final death
this is not like this is uh this looked
pretty final to me I think and Thanos
made it clear that no more resurrections
that’s it for you right exactly and it’s
like I kind of saw that direction
happening like especially with the end
of Thor Ragnarok I was kind of like
alright this seems like a fitting end
for Loki if you know he was hired by
Thanos he didn’t finish the job probably
not that happy about it so I kind of saw
it in the stars but the way it was
handled was was really well done
and so then the rest of the movie
because I mean there’s so many
storylines that are intersecting there’s
so many story arcs that are taking all
kinds of directions how did you feel you
as a big comic book fan and a
huge fan of the Marvel Cinematic
Universe how do you feel that they
handled it to the Russo brothers get it
ranked I think the Russo brothers would
this movie have cemented themselves as
like the best comic-book directors of
all time and that’s not necessarily to
say that they’ve made the best comic
book movies in terms of taking comic
book properties and adapting them to the
big screen I still think that
Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy
is up there but in terms of like taking
very comic book II stories and making
like really interesting and like honest
to the to the source material movies
with Civil War and now this and Winter
Soldier before that I think they’ve
really cemented themselves as like we
know how to adapt this material because
this movie felt like a crossover event
in the comic books it really did have
that you know cutting back and forth
between all these storylines and rect
balancing them all really well it’s not
something that we’ve seen very often
especially considering like we’ve seen
it fail many ways last year these
crossover kind of movies and I just
think that they have a knack for that
kind of storytelling because they really
did give all these characters like a
moment to shine yeah well you know you
were saying that many – that all the
characters kind of you know they they
were there they served their purpose and
some had more time to shine some had
less but all of them you know in in some
strange way also really kind of
intersected with weird counterparts
yeah I find what they did is they took
like the powerful characters who or have
been powerful before they took them and
they put them on Titan and then you had
the guardians of the galaxy kind of
traveling space looking for trying to
beat Thanos to where each stone was
that’s kind of their thing there are the
space travelers you had Thor deal with a
bit of the mythological aspect when he
had to kick-start the star again to make
his new weapon and then you had kind of
like the ground infantry guys like
you’ve got your Captain America as your
black widows roadie Falcon all these
guys really were like okay we are the
feet on the ground we’re gonna kind of
dispose and hold this at bay and it kind
of justifies why they go to Wakanda what
they want to do there is two separate
vision from the mind stone to try to
keep him alive and the fact that they
got this
soldiers there to fight off balances
grunts while he was off on Titan and
know where to get the other two stones
and he sends his lackeys kind of to go
get the other ones that one stone and
you have these again these soldier
characters these guys that are fighting
for the greater good that are put in
this crazy situation you have them there
right on the ground and you have your
black panther there as well who kind of
is like super soldiers there’s this
great scene where him and cap are
running almost at the at the same speed
and they’re just charging into this
battle and you just see them both jump
and they kind of just jump like right
into the action and it’s like whoa we
don’t get that we didn’t get that
feeling with any other movie this was
really like
I love jaar sweet and but this is not
only this is this is not only the best
Avengers movie yeah I think it may be
one of the best superhero movies ever
made well because they took all these
characters and they they did them all
justice yeah so you know I loved when
you have you know Doctor Strange and is
it Thor no doctor stranger who-who did
he kind of go ahead who to be butt heads
with Iron Man oh yes exactly yeah Iron
Man and Doctor Strange or then Thor and
star-lord Thorin star-lord was not
really funny I just you know these kind
of disparate type of corners of the
universe that are kind of blending
together might for me the VIPs not the
VIPs the MVPs were the guardians and
Doctor Strange and Thor to me all of
those guys really made the movie shine
and I feel you know one of the
commenters in our spoiler free review
mentioned how the look of guardians of
the galaxy seemed to seep into this and
III appreciate that the kind of the
color scheme the the spatial patterns it
was like that the overall look of the
the phases phase one was kind of like a
throwback to these old fantasy magic
movies with Thor we had like that
Indiana Jones style color palette with
the first Captain America Iron Man was
everything was slick and cool and modern
looking and then in phase 2 because that
was kind of like the
first time they kind of changed the
universe around of everything they’ve
built based on the first Avengers it
kind of gave us this matte color palette
where you know a bit gritty or a bit
grittier because kind of them the movies
were going in that direction
and now we got guardians of the galaxy
which opened up this nice visual palette
so it’s like now guys remember there’s
like a whole galaxy look at all these
cool color schemes and I find that’s
where they kind of went with phase three
so you could tell just by the overall
the way they look the more the movies go
down the look it kind of reflects what’s
going on in the universe and again
that’s a credit to the production team
behind these movies in making a 10 year
epic the other thing about like the way
that they’re using these colors is like
a lot of the shots that you see are kind
of almost designed like comic book
splash pages but there’s a lot of these
like that just a few standouts like when
they’re trying to rip the gauntlet off
of Thanos and they’re all kind of using
their powers individually to like
isolate individual parts of him like
Doctor Strange is like holding is
holding his hand while spider-man is
webbing the gauntlet and trying to pull
it off and you have mantas on top using
her power on his on his brain like it’s
just that’s something that you would see
all the time as like a two-page spread
in a comic book
but these cargo movies for a long time
have been just like shying away from
doing these were linear outlandish kind
of like epic poses and even when Thor
makes his big epic return it’s like
exactly out of a comic it’s like a he
slams down and it’s just like oh my god
the doors back the music turn the music
changes it gives him a big reveal the
camera movement everything I’ve ever
seen is just so and we saw it together
in the press screening and I I know I
knowed it out for a moment I was like
that was epic but being in a full
theater last night when I watched it
again that’s right it’s been not even a
week and I’ve already seen it twice
watching it again and having the theater
cheer at that moment I mean again it
gives you that feeling that the Russo
brothers not only got it right but they
brought out just the fun like that epic
moment you need that it’s not just an X
Mac in a moment Oh Thor’s here great you
know like yeah oh look what I was gonna
it’s that moment it’s the waist
delivered it’s the way it’s executed
this movie hits on so many points and
get so many points right but I think I
needs to talk about that ending I mean
it’s like we’ve been dancing around
dancing around it you know okay so snap
of a fingers
half of life not even humanity half of
the living
existing creatures just you know snuffed
out like a turn to a fish so how do we
deal with this where where is it going I
think we live in the time of the
internet which kind of sucks so like
such a crazy ending we know and Marvel
does it’s big panels and says we’re
gonna make all these movies right we
know so we know some of the people that
go they have planned sequels
well let’s name the like the major ones
who are gone I’ll leave this up to
Justin so what frustrated me and not not
in a way that took away from the movie
but what frustrated me about the ending
and what makes me fearful about the
sequel is two things one I feel like if
they hadn’t killed off or turned to ash
characters like spider-man Doctor
Strange black pad black panther I feel
like I would be more willing to buy into
the fact that these characters might
really be gone like if Bucky and maybe
want like one of the Guardians not
star-lord but like had fewer characters
turned to ash I feel like I would have
been more oh my god like these
characters are gone for good the fact
that they like took out some heavy
hitters makes me think that there is
hope for these characters come the
second movie there would have to be
that’s the whole point is that you know
sorry you know but just to say I feel
like the earlier deaths in the movie if
we are gonna be reversing deaths I hope
that that doesn’t include the deaths of
Loki and Gamora which were super
impactful and like really important
moments and I hope that they don’t
undercut those by being like snap of the
fingers everyone’s alive again well I
mean we know that they’re gonna have to
bring some of these characters back
unless unless the subsequent movies all
take place in a timeline before the
events of infinity war which could
happen I mean it could be it it
be a cheap way to do it it would be a
cheap way to do it but I do feel like
they kind of set that up with just what
happens to vision in this movie right so
you have Scarlet Witch Thanos is there
he’s literally just knocking out Avenger
after Avenger trying to get to the
vision because that’s where the last
stone is and you have Scarlet Witch
who’s destroys the stone it explodes it
becomes a huge event he literally says I
feel your loss I have experienced it as
well but time is irrelevant and he just
snaps his fingers turns back time and
gets that final stone so for me I feel
like they set it up they do something
before with Doctor Strange well yeah I
was gonna mention yeah so my theory here
I guess all of our theory yeah you know
in we all came to the same thing
individually but when he’s sitting there
having that a bit of a seizure and and
they go to him and they say what
happened and he had looked at all the
different possibilities all the millions
of possibilities of where things could
go and then he says there’s only one
where we win basically maybe what we saw
in the end is just one of a million
possibilities and if they can turn back
time the way theta the way that knows
did if they can turn back this time then
all the people who turn to ash will no
longer be ash exactly and I feel like he
kind of knew Doctor Strange saw the
future that we’re all waiting for and I
think that our theories that we had
I know most of mine were wrong maybe
like cool man
you know like I’m or it’s okay to be
wrong it’s real life so I find that
Doctor Strange knew that the only way
they could win is by giving Thanos that
time stone and I think that’s something
that will be overlooked why he did it
I think everyone gave it to him so he
can do his thing do his thing yeah scrub
back in time Superman style Superman
Superman style and bring back those guys
who who kind of turned to ash at the end
of this movie so where was ant-man
again we got the classic too many
movie trope where they’re mentioned in
passing I think he said that Hawkeye and
ant-man took deals with the government
to be under house arrest which we do
kind of see in the ant-man trailer one
thing I don’t think we should overlook
is that there’s a very powerful
character coming which is Adam warlock
so in the end credits scenes of
guardians of the galaxy – he’s mentioned
and of course the end credits scene is
the Captain Marvel reveal right so it’s
Captain Marvel gonna be the one who’s
gonna turn everything back I think so in
the comic that this movie is based on
which is Infinity Gauntlet Adam warlock
plays a very important role but I feel
like because he’s so off in the future
it would be weird to introduce him as
the savior of this of this scenario
what’s interesting to point out too is
at when he snaps his fingers at the end
of the movie in the comic book that
gauntlet remains intact and it becomes
like this big like MacGuffin that we got
to get the gauntlet to be able to
reverse the decision in this movie it
seemed like the gauntlet once it was
used started to disintegrate
yeah and it’s and it’s you know didn’t
look like reuse was possible and then
when we see that us at the end of the
movie and he’s on the beach like he
talked about just enjoying the sunset it
didn’t look like he had it in his vision
that he had he didn’t have the gauntlet
yeah where he sees Gamora as a child
didn’t have it but when he sits down on
the beach we get to actually see the
entire damage that it did to his arm and
it’s kind of on his face like he’s like
I did something I have all the stones
but I feel like it’s even a heavy weight
for him to wield that gauntlet mm-hmm
and I think we should just briefly talk
about in talking about Thanos and like
the wear on that this whole event took
on him I did not expect this kind of arc
for Thanos where they turned him into a
sympathetic and interesting villain
right because I mean essentially he’s
not evil
he’s just seeking balance you know that
life feeds on life and you know it’s not
that it’s not that he’s he wants the
death of so many people he just wants
there to be balanced in the
so I I don’t think he’s and and kudos to
Josh Brolin for for bringing that
delivering and insanely like amazing
performance Wow Jen like breathtaking
performance there was so much emotion in
his purple wrinkly face like boots you
wouldn’t yeah but the grassy face you
wouldn’t think you wouldn’t think it
when you see those trailers or when you
see him in the first Avengers movie and
he gives that smirk or it’s like a few
lines of dialogue in the first guardians
of the galaxy movie you’re like okay is
this what we’re gonna get for two and a
half hours in infinity war a guy like
saying crazy quotes but I don’t so to
wrap things up because we could talk for
hours and hours and truly where do we go
from here i I’m I’m actually excited now
for phase 4 because you don’t know cuz I
don’t know it kind of like we do know
and we don’t know but I’d like to see
how they’re gonna do it yeah like we
know what characters are gonna stay dead
with characters are not gonna stay dead
but I just find that they’ve opened
they’ve opened this whole new universe
in adventure and now we’re with
magic where you know we’re messing with
space people can come from anywhere to
help the Avengers I think we’re gonna
see a lot of Avengers that we would
never think to see on the big screen
well we know that works because of
Guardian and yeah and I guess I’m just
excited I’m just excited to see like we
have these amazing movies now and
especially as comic book fans I know
growing up reading comics Justin and I
still read comics today and just seeing
these amazing storylines come to life
and these actors taking these roles so
seriously where you don’t see the actor
anymore and you don’t see the you don’t
see the the costume you just see the
character alive and I think it’s a great
time to be a comic book nerd it’s a
great time to be a film nerd because
these movies on their on their own have
crazy achievements stuff that’s never
been done putting such a huge cast
together to pull this off is a big big
event that they did so I’m very happy
with the way everything turned out just
what it looks bright ten years in and
I’m still excited for these movies yeah
that’s a testament to Kevin Feige use
production like his ability to see like
the forest from the trees and just I
don’t know there’s just something about
these movies that gets me every time
every time I think okay you know they’re
starting to go downhill this movie
completely reinvigorated my excitement
for these crossover movies because after
age of Ultron I wasn’t sure I’ll be
honest but now my faith is in the Russo
brothers yeah and I guess I might get
some flack from this but DC should take
a cue from this because this is how you
do it and do it rekt no kidding
yeah let us know what you think in the
comments thanks for joining us thanks
guys for being here and we’ll see you
back for infinity war 2 right yeah it
sounds good see you next time
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