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Sophia Loren in’s Women with Mojo Series

sofia Loren was born in Rome Italy in
1934 and she lived in poverty however
thanks to her five future contract with
paramount studios today she’s known as
the world’s most famous Italian actress
lauren showed the world her dramatic
skills and heard a lot of respect as
dramatic and comedy actress its best
especially for the italian projects
because she expressed herself more
openly and other actresses she picks up
English in the 60s and she had a role in
two women which earned her many awards
including the cans the venezia and
Berlin festivals best performance prizes
not to mention an academy award for best
actress which was also the first major
Academy Award handed out for a
non-english language performance now in
her day and even today sometimes
actresses were known to be just gorgeous
little models no brains but she proved
them wrong as she had sharp wit and a
lot of insights in 1991 she went on to
receive an honor academy award for her
input in cinema and was declared quote
one of the world’s cinemas treasures
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