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Sex Toys 101 – Using with Partners

okay so we’ve talked a lot about the
solo aspect of having a sex toy this is
a thing to remember when you’re working
with dildos and harnesses is how would
you go about introducing a sex toy into
your life your partners your partner the
first thing is a sex toy will never
replace a human being it’s not the same
thing it will not love you it will not
give you affection it will not wash the
it won’t or even itself exactly sex toys
accentuate and add to what you already
have so if your partner is shy and one
thing you could do is start by
introducing a smaller toy and one that’s
not going to be as intimidating as you
know one of the big ones
exactly and using it on the big muscles
of the body so shoulders back use it as
a massage tool and then once your
partner is comfortable with that then
you move on to the butt legs between the
legs and then you can go a little bit
further but start at a neutral zone so
do we want to dispel any myths about sex
toys well some people think that once
you use a sex toy you can’t go back and
that’s due to the regular do the real
thing it’s not true really isn’t I mean
you know you’ll run out of batteries
eventually and what are you gonna do no
but it really isn’t it’s not the same
sensations at all and you’re not gonna
feel love from a Sexton you might love
your sex toy but you won’t feel love
from your sex toy and it’s not an
exchange of ideas and communication and
affection that you would have with a
loving partner so what I tell everybody
is when you’re reaching that stage of
your relationship then yes sex toys are
an amazing addition to what you already
have and a lot of people will discover
that it’s it’s not gonna replace anyone
or anything
it’s just a little bit extra right
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