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Scuba Diving: How to Get Certified

you may not have been born with gills
and fins but that doesn’t mean you can
enjoy your time underwater hi I’m
Rebecca Brayton and welcome to and today we’ll be
learning more about scuba diving
certification and what you’ll learn in
your first few lessons why do I have to
be certified to dive and what does that
mean exactly all it means is that you
need to go through the basic steps to
understand the skills of how to dive
safely because once you’re certified you
are certified for life and therefore you
have to be able to understand how to
manage yourself in every situation to do
so safely what are the certification
levels and the differences between them
the first step for anybody is to get
their basic open water diver
certification this is going to allow
them to be certified up to a diving
depth of 60 feet and gives them all of
the basic skills that they need to be a
safe and competent diver we typically
recommend here that people also continue
on to their second level which is called
the advanced open water where the first
level tends to be a skill based course
the second level is an adventure based
course and let’s face it this is why
people get involved in scuba diving in
the first place so here we take people
with their basic skills as certified
divers and show them how to apply those
skills to specific dive environments and
considerations once you get beyond your
advanced open water there are many many
doors that can suit the tastes of
anybody there are numerous specialty
courses that people can take everything
from underwater photography to
videography as well as wreck diving deep
diving you name it there’s a specialty
for it what does a person learn in scuba
diving lessons well first things first
you’re going to learn how to calmly
breathe underwater that’s what it’s all
about for most people this is quite an
interesting phenomenon and I love
teaching the first course of this
because you get them in the water on the
first night and really see their eyes
widen when they realize they can stay
under along underwater longer than 30
seconds of holding their breath but we
touch on the 20 basic skills that a
person needs in order to be a competent
diver so we’re going to take you through
the course talk a little bit about the
fundamentals of diving the physiology of
diving and how your body reacts to being
underwater as well as touch on how all
of the equip
works and functions and then throughout
the course they’re going to be applying
different skills along the way that will
teach you how to become comfortable in
scuba diving underwater many people
might get certified while on location
when they’re traveling is this a good
I usually recommend that people who know
that they want a scuba dive to get
certified before they go this takes all
of the stress and worry out of having to
study on vacation or having to go
through a process and once you arrive
you can just enjoy your vacation see the
sites that you went to see and really
let your brain go on vacation
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