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Robert Munsch Profile

the paper bag princess a promise is a
promise and love you forever are just a
few of this prolific canadian children’s
authors most famous titles so welcome to
robert bunches house and maybe you want
to ring hi i’m rebecca britain and
welcome to Oh wah wah wah
and today we’ll be learning more about
Robert much tell us what you can about
Robert Munsch Robert Munsch is one of
the first really successful canadian
children’s authors of the latter half of
the 20th century and he really hits a
market of young contemporary kids
because his stories are about kids today
what is typical of his style I think
what’s typical says he has an amazing
use of language when you hear him read
and you hear in the exhibition it’s his
voice recorded he has a very particular
style of reading hey quiet huh I
remember reading these to my kids you
could read them and really act into them
so they are like little mini playlets
almost and that’s what he does and can
you tell us more about the exhibition
well in the exhibit the basically
invited into munches house so you come
in there’s a kitchen or steps to go up
there are spaces within the house and so
you’re encouraged to kind of play and of
course you’re playing with words so in
the exhibition there are games in which
you can place where is like there’s a
brick wall and each brick has a word on
it and you can place the bricks in the
wall to make up stories you can take
some of Michael marchenko illustrations
do you remember those books where you
could put the head with a different
torso with different legs but you can do
that in a 3d form you can open the
fridge and see what’s inside robert
munsch is fridge which trust me is
interesting it’s full of 20 different
animals and you have to find them and
what would you say is its purpose to
encourage literacy to encourage the
notion of reading and I think it is a
way to encourage families to find it
comforting and familiar space and to
read when they get back home and in the
middle of January in canada trust me you
want to go into someplace warm thank you
very much it’s been a pleasure
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