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Review of Xbox 360 – The Controller

so potentially the most important design
choice of microsoft made about the
system is probably the controller
because that’s what you’ll actually be
interacting with the most now the xbox
360 controller is really more of an
evolution of the original Xbox type s
controller than it is an actual
innovative sort of piece of work now
this controller is actually really
really solid control and has a really
sort of solid feel they added aside with
the two triggers that’s normally here to
shoulder buttons so now you have the
sort of full button complement that you
can find on let’s say a playstation 2
controller the d-pad has sort of also
remained the same but one of the big
additions to this controller besides in
the fact that it’s wireless then has
here as you can see you know
rechargeable battery slot they’ve added
what’s called the Xbox console button
now this button here is basically a
button that brings up your dashboard
which is the main interface with the
xbox 360 so no matter what game you’re
playing or no matter what you’re doing
on the system even if you’re watching a
movie pushing this button right here
will bring up a blade showing you
basically some options you can do like
chat with your friends or you know
basically any other things that pertain
to the system itself
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