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Review of the award winning movie, “Capote”

hey welcome to this is
Leslie this week I want to talk about a
movie that a lot of you might have
missed in the theaters it was called
Capote still called Capote as it comes
out on DVD this tuesday the 16 it’s with
Philip Seymour Hoffman there has
certainly been a lot of renewed interest
in it this week because Philip Seymour
Hoffman took home the academy award for
best actor in a motion picture for his
role in capote I actually was fortunate
enough to see this movie in the theaters
I knew to go see it because because I
knew about Capote’s writer the real man
and so I was interested in it but let me
tell you a little bit about booby in
order to entice you to go see it if
perhaps you’re not a literary buff
Capote is based on the real-life story
of the man Truman Capote who is best
known for writing the novel’s breast
breakfast at tiffany’s which was then
made into a major motion picture and he
also wrote the book in cold blood in
cold blood is the story of two killers
and in order to get to the bottom of the
story Capote spends three years writing
and researching and really getting into
the mind of these people now what makes
this story particularly fascinating is
that Capote was never the same after he
wrote that novel after in cold blood
Capote became the sort of iconic figure
that we know him as today almost a
caricature of himself and this movie
Cody spends what really the movie spans
that time from the beginning from the
murder from the time that Capote meets
these two murderers until he finishes
the book and it
sort of chronicles his descent into the
drunken odd figure that we know him as
today it’s a really really well-done
piece it also explores Capote’s
relationship with Harper Lee who’s best
known for to kill a mockingbird and once
you realize that this stuff is really
based in truth I think you come out of
it going oh my god I can’t believe these
people existed it’s just so fascinating
philip seymour hoffman does a wonderful
job and i highly recommend that
everybody rented on tuesday have a good
week and check back next week for more
bye bye
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