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Profile on As the World Turns and Guilding Light

created by owner Phillips as the world
turns made his debut in april of
nineteen fifty-six and the second
longest-running soap on television today
and it’s actually the first soap to
expand the 30 minutes from 15 minutes
taped in New York City as the world
turns is set in the fictional Midwest
town of Oakdale and centers around the
core families of the walshes Snyder’s
Hughes Munson’s and Montgomery families
lastly we had the guiding light which
has the distinction of being the longest
running program in broadcast history and
made us radio debut in 1937 as
television debut in june of 1952 created
by owner phillips the guiding light
takes place in the fictional town of
Springfield and revolves around the core
families of the Lewis & Spalding’s and
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