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Pillow Fight: Injuries

remember your stuff just relax you two
veterans will help veterans I’m really
good with injuries actually um I just
give them out
oh you know what I was a dumbass and I
hi I got an earring pulled out it sucked
there are only accidents there aren’t
really many serious injuries in the leak
there’s a law whatever we wait uh yeah
there’s been lots of blood we’re not
actually out to hurt each other
hospitals you yeah couple of nosebleeds
there was we’ve had a broken wrist we
leave it on the mats whatever happens
several broken ribs say wounding yeah
definitely when they got a winning
there’s been there’s been a chair shot
just been a chokehold like with tape one
night we like to scrap but we’re all
friends right our fighters are you know
their hand picks they’re well trained so
we do everything we can to try keep
everyone safe in the in the midst of the
pillow fighting um Danny going I’m
Andrew I’m lumpy we are pfl buffers we
are like a human pile on or a human robe
we don’t try to come on the mess we stay
off the mats as much as we possibly can
but there is sometimes once or twice
we’ve got to get out there because when
the fights get going
steamrolling happens
it can get pretty messy by biting you’ve
got different types of pulling you’ve
got people throwing chairs around or an
object’s foreign objects with people
pushed into tables there’s been
strangled holds you know illegal
strangle holds that weren’t allowed
whether it’s through legs whether it’s
around the throat with the arms with no
pillow involved toothpaste was involved
as a gig gone wrong yeah I think I would
never know it was a gig ER yag but I
used as an attempt to a blinder
opponents and that was laureate under in
Jesus that’s an example of her they say
she comes riding a barrel of new P
screech I think her blood is made of
this stuff actually so definitely we
actually come up with our own safety
programs because when we’re down on the
ground we’re like monkeys kind of like
the urban freestylers you really got to
move around and it kind of looked a bit
like spider-man at the same time too so
we’ve got knee pads the guy’s got them
better than I do you can see them their
elbow pads and we discovered actually
after pfl four in New York City which
was on a concrete floor and there was
broken glass everywhere we were getting
kind of injuries sort of play it by
whatever venue were at as to walk onto
safety we need
at first we were just sort of standing
off to the side for crowd control and
then it all of a sudden became a
situation where girls were flying into
the crowd and not only were we trying to
stop them from flying into the crowd and
just intervene we discovered that they
were actually flying down towards the
floor so in many circumstances that’s
where we’ve become one part rodeo clown
two parts hockey goalie where you have
to sort of make the dive for the save
when these girls get going they’re not
slow anything can change one minute
they’re going right suddenly they’re
both going left we’ve got to keep our
eyes open so rodeo clown yeah cement
wall yeah sure yeah that’s another one
we’ve come up with you come out to watch
a pillow fight half these fans are not
really prepared for what they’re going
to see they have no idea and unless
you’ve been to a live event you don’t
I think the chaos is the best part of it
they sort of controlled mayhem
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