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Outdoor Workout for Men and Women – Elastic part 4

now for the biceps we’re starting off
with the basic bicep curl so when we do
biceps what it is the motion is a bicep
curl elbow flexion don’t yank yourself
go steady pace the tempo is as always
1000-2000 begin with and if we want to
make things a little bit more
complicated we’re going to do is a
shoulder rotation out early and once
again same movement elbow flexion okay
so as you’re going up exhale going down
and help now to make things even more
hard what Patrick did is like a preacher
curl using the tree all of the elastic
band make sure that when you’re doing a
movement your elbows stay stabilized
you’re not bringing down or up you’re
keeping at the same level and because
there’s nothing supporting your arm it’s
that much harder because you have to
keep it up so that being said we wish
you lots of luck to your biceps you’ll
definitely feel it
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