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Men With Mojo Video Profile on Jon Stewart: #28

Jon Stewart Leibovitz yes you heard me
right I said Jon Stewart Leibovitz born
November 28 1962 he’s the host of the
daily show since 1999 and a comedian
extraordinaire with a success of his TV
show he has earned the title of the most
trusted man in fake news and the moniker
of the Walter Cronkite for a younger
generation and rightly so many of us
know him as a chameleon but he was
certainly nobody’s monkey when he
appeared on CNN’s crossfire in october
two thousand four suffice it to say he
knew what he was saying because the day
after his appearance the holster fired a
two-time winner of the prestigious
peabody award for his covered in 2000
2004 presidential elections on his daily
show he was also named one of two
thousand five time 100 time magazine’s
list of most influential people of the
year Jon Stewart leaflets a real man
with mojo
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