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Men With Mojo Video Profile on Elvis Presley: #25

Elvis Presley was born in 1955 I would
like to talk about why I think Elvis
Presley is such a great guy at such a
great role model like many of these
people you have to go back and you have
to look at what what the real
contribution was to the 20th century and
something like Elvis Presley is a guy
who really went out and he was the first
white man who took what had had
previously been known as black music and
brought it to the white masses I mean
the way that he shook his hips at the
time was honestly considered
sacrilegious and it’s a little bit crazy
because Elvis Presley despite the fact
that he was branded a bit as a rebel was
really a down a down-home guy who had a
lot of very strict values if you see
interviews even today with Priscilla
Presley who is obviously his wife with
her parents and her parents are very
conservative even in in interviews dated
2005 they’re referred to as mr. and mrs.
bull do they still have no first names
you know I mean these people are really
relics of an older time but even they
will say to you even after he divorced
Priscilla he was a devoted man and a
devoted father to Lisa Marie and he was
always very respectful to us and its
type of thing that you don’t expect to
hear about Elvis especially you know
from his former in-laws who could
potentially hate him for for having
divorce their daughter but everyone
seems to see
to read it despite the fact that Elvis
had problems and he certainly and
substance abuse problems in his later
life he was a really really wonderful
guy something else that’s really
interesting about Elvis Presley that a
lot of people don’t know is that after
he finally hit it big and really was was
at a place where he wanted to be in his
career and he had started making movies
he dropped it all and he enlisted in the
army a lot of people forget about this
but Elvis Presley decided to go serve
his country in World War two because he
thought it was the thing to do he
dropped his career and quite frankly
when he came back he was not given the
same plum roles that he was before not
that i would say that any of them were
particularly plumbed by today’s
standards I mean we’re talking about
Elvis Presley wearing Hawaiian shirts in
a luau singing bad songs you know and
it’s unfortunate that we that we tend to
associate Elvis you know again with this
and with his his later kind of like
drunken fat lounge singer Las Vegas act
and when we need to remember is the
Elvis Presley is a man who pioneered
rock and roll in this country he’s a man
who opened up the doors and who said hey
anybody can play this type of music
doesn’t matter if you’re black white or
purple you can play this type of music
and you know what I’m gonna dry rate my
hip but that doesn’t make me a bad
person um interesting tidbit about Elvis
Presley of it when he first appeared on
television they would only fill
from the waist up because it was just
too controversial the way he was shaking
his hips and that is a mad with mojo
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