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Men With Mojo Video Profile on Alexander the Great : #3

Alexander the third of Macedon AK also
known as Alexander the Great ruled
between the years of 336 bc and 323 BC
he was born in July of 356 before Common
Era he studied under the tutelage of
Aristotle who piqued his interest of
course in the following subjects science
medicine and of course philosophy who he
did actually give him his first copy of
The Iliad and if we look at alexander
the great’s life we can actually see
that he is still to today one of the
great secular characters of history as
well as one of the great military
leaders his conquests took him to
countries such as Egypt Gaza and of
course the Persian Empire which he did
defeat Alexander was one of the first
people to think globally but act locally
by bringing in other people to run the
schools and administration of his empire
Alexander the Great is also known for
his harem of 365 concubines one for each
ninth and of course he did pass away in
Babylon in 323 BC
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