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Marriage Planning: Wedding Cakes

it’s your wedding day you have that
special wedding cake you’ve been
dreaming about hi I’m Christine on and we’re going to talk to
some pastry makers to find out about all
that work that goes into making a
wedding cake can you tell me what you’re
working on today that is called gum
paste the colored portion and I’m
sticking it on to some wires and that is
the beginning of a rules I’m starting
off in the center and then one by one
attach the pedals for shiftable if you
wanted a color you have to color the
gump is justice nope then you have to
roll it out really thin and use this
tool to make it really thin around the
edges and very delicate right now I’m
just making the leaves out of a gum
paste and as you see they’re pretty flat
and they don’t have much life so I’m
taking my little ball roller I put him
in here so they sort of look like how
mother nature made them after they’re
all trials start coloring in the veins
and then doing the edges and then
putting a shimmer on them now when it
will be the next step to finish off your
wedding cake after I make the flowers
this is going to take about a day or two
got to give some time to dry I got ad on
the leaves I gotta add on the color then
we will roll out our roll fondant over
our cakes and assemble them one by one
or depending on what design you’ve
chosen I see that you actually drew a
design of what you want your cake to
look like in the end everybody seems to
always do rose
and flowers on their wedding cakes I
wanted to be different it’s going to be
winter fruits pears and grapes and
apples how long is your cake and it take
to make in its entirety well we have
three days 18 hours pretty much six
hours a day and hopefully i’ll be done
by the end and how would you compare the
work involved in making a wedding cake
compared to another kind of cake they
both require thought but this we have to
anticipate the product that you’re using
the temperature the time restraints and
conditions we have to make some changes
once in a while I find this more
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