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Margaret Sanger in’s Women with Mojo Series

as the founder of the American birth
control League Margaret Sanger or
September 14 1879 was an instrumental
figure in the universal access to birth
control pills when sanger’s mother died
in 1899 she felt a dissatisfaction with
her own understanding and that of
society is a woman’s health so the same
year she enrolled herself in a nursing
program in white plains new york in 1914
she launched the newspaper the woman
rebel which advocated birth control two
years later she opened the first family
planning clinic in Brooklyn the first of
its kind in the United States however
she was arrested on the account of
violating the obscenity laws of the post
office because she was sending out
information on birth control sanger
found the american birth control league
in 1921 with lothrop starred and CC
little in 1923 undid the auspices of the
AVC l she established the clinical
research bureau in 1928 she resigned as
the president of the ABC l two years
later she became president of the birth
control international information center
Sanger died in 1966 just a few months
after the landmark griswold versus
connecticut decision which legalized
birth control for married couples in the
united states
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