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Mardi Gras

welcome to i’m your host
melissa today is Mardi Gras
traditionally fat tuesdays the last day
for Catholics to indulge and sometimes
overindulge since it’s the day before
ash wednesday which kicks off their
season of Lent Mardi Gras is filled with
traditions two of which came about 1872
when the Russian Duke Romanov visited
New Orleans for Mardi Gras in order to
give him a royal reception they organize
the parade named in king for a day a
king and queen has been named for Mardi
Gras every years ever since a second
tradition which stemmed from that royal
visit with that of the official colors
of mardi gras which are also the
official colors of the Romanov house
purple green and gold if you’re in the
United States the place to be is New
Orleans for Mardi Gras the city has been
celebrating grand fashion since the
French settlers arrived in the 1700s
when 2005 Hurricane Katrina hit the
southern United States and New Orleans
was no exception but the city has been
rebuilding and the party will go on so
wherever you celebrate be careful
collect your beads and have fun
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