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Jukari: Fit to Fly by Reebok and Cirque Du Soleil

reebok insert cecilia are introducing a
new way to move in the gym with Jakari
fit to fly hi i’m veronica
and today we’re looking at a workout
that will have you smiling while you
sweat so tell us what type of workout is
Jakari fit to fly Jakari fit to fly as
an interval workout so a meaning that
we’re working cardiovascularly but we’re
also working on a muscular endurance we
have a bar which you can remove you can
place it at various heights so that will
also change up how you do your exercises
you can then add on foot straps so your
feet are now in suspension as well you
can also hold on to them with your hands
now this is a workout for women who want
to have fun while working out what makes
this workout so much fun the music the
sir conspiration there’s an artistic
component to it the sensation to of
being able to fly that’s why they called
it fit to fly is because you really do
feel like you’re floating throughout the
air when you really use your back and
your arm muscles properly and everything
just becomes really light and airy and
playful can you take us through this
hour-long workout we usually begin with
a really good warm-up and some stretches
to get our bodies properly prepared
because it is fairly dynamic lots of
jumps so there is a plyometric component
to what we do once our warmups done we
start going into a mixture of two to
three minutes of cardio in a minute or
two of resistance training and that
lasts for good 3040 minutes and then add
on those foot strats good ten fifteen
minutes of some core work and then we
finished off again with like a little
performance often times at the end
unlike you guys for the Carousel do
whatever you want so I just let them
improvise let them have fun and sort of
go with whatever they feel like doing
let me see a really good core
strengthening I think people are really
surprised at how much stronger their
abdominal chain becomes or torso their
their pelvic stabilization that works a
lot on upper body strength so again I
think women are really gonna see results
in terms of toning and strength through
their upper body and again you know
increase in their cardiovascular
capacities you have any tips to actually
get the women to the class to do the
workout find something that you like
make an appointment with yourselves and
for this class to actually because there
are limited fly sets you have to sign up
so when you sign up make sure that you
come and just to find the time for
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