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Interview with Tim Parker, Aspiring Filmmaker

you don’t need to live in Hollywood to
make a movie I’m from tobacco road okay
yes if we work hard for a living so if I
could go for pushing rocks with a shovel
to sit in a director’s chair believe me
that’s that’s the road on mon welcome to i’m your host leila today
i joined filmmaker tim parker what were
some of the highlights of making your
first short film the way I could have
masa crew and actors for absolutely just
about nothing it was more like a hobby
and we shut off a couple streets in
their hometown and roll dollies and had
a crane shot and all this and people are
just coming out of the woodwork to help
me did you have specific movie ideas in
mind I’ve been part of a homeless
organization for about eight years I
spend a week every 13 weeks with
homeless people and it’s you know a lot
of people view them as bad people you
know dirty evil and they’re not they’re
just like you and me they just they just
need a hand so I want to make a movie
that showed the homeless person I was a
good guy was there a lot of on-site
experimentation no we had everything in
such a tight little ball before we went
down the chute there was a lot of
experimentation beforehand and a lot
talk beforehand but we went down and got
exactly two shots meaning it can you
tell me a bit about what led you to try
your hand at film all I could say is a
bill studio in my hometown at that point
we were just a sleepy little town you
know and then here come all this glamour
and glitz and stars and I just you know
I wanted a piece of the pie what I
wanted to do was was make a calling card
show producers agents and those kind of
people that I could make a movie
especially investors if I won the
lottery tomorrow I would definitely make
a movie with the moon with the money
tell another story their questions are
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