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Interview with Sinologist: China’s Olympic Dreams

I don’t think that the Olympic Games
live up to what they used to be in
ancient Greece people who ran for the
Olympic Games are naked and that means
there was no nationalism there were no
sponsors it was the idea of the human
being and what the human being could do
the Olympics now are nothing like that
it’s always the opportunity for the
organising country to show its strength
to show how able it is always a show of
nationalism in all the countries which
country has the most medals and the huge
commercial interests that are in the
Olympic Games sinologist jean-philippe
Asia feels the Olympic dream is flawed
and politics have to do with it i’m your
host layla and on behalf of watchmojo
calm I took the opportunity to ask this
research director for France in Hong
Kong his thoughts on asking Olympians to
boycott the games it’s very difficult to
say I’m not an athlete and I know that
athletes usually get ready for eight or
ten years in order to take part in the
Olympics besides I’m not sure by cutting
the games is necessarily the right
solution I think actually no one is
asking for a boycott of the games the
Chinese government made the Olympic
Games political an opportunity to show
that they are the modern country that
they have been able to lead China to
becoming a strong country so the message
is through the world and to the Chinese
people so it’s a way to reinforce its
legitimacy and for that they invited the
leaders of the world to come to the
opening ceremony if it’s a question of
sports what do the heads of state do
there either you’re against the
politicization of the games and you
don’t invite the head of state if you
have invited the heads of state and
use this to show that you are such a
strong country you must be ready for the
consequences a strong country is usually
criticized Americans know that when an
American president goes abroad he has to
face hostile demonstrations he’s used to
that for the first time the Chinese
during the olympic torch relay thought
that they would be admired by the whole
world and they had to face criticism by
world opinion they have to get used to
do to become a great power people in the
whole world know that there are problems
with Tibetans in China and there are
human rights problems in China this has
been helped by the torch relay this is
not what the Chinese leaders thought but
this is the one of the result which is a
positive result
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