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Interview with Paralympic Gold Medalist Chantal Petitclerc

hi I’m Veronica and today
are speaking with Paralympian multi
medalists and motivational speaker
Chantal pizza Claire how can being
involved in a sport help you overcome
your everyday issues you cannot go wrong
by including sport and fitness into your
life whether you do it twice a week or
twice a day and the positive impacts of
sport and fitness and training they are
there for everybody but I have to say
they are even more important for people
with disability because you have to deal
with sometimes physical limits or
weaknesses and being fit is really what
makes it possible for me to grab my
everyday chair and put it in and out of
my car 10 times a day without feeling
like it’s too heavy or it’s too hard so
so for people with disability I think
sport has the same health benefits it
has for everybody but it also certainly
increased the level of Independence and
just being able to live a normal daily
life we always have to face negative
people and negative thoughts no matter
and limitations so how do you deal with
them I think sport really does great
things in making you feel very confident
in making you feel like you can have a
goal and your goal can be you know small
or big a very ambitious and that it is
possible to make those dreams and those
goals happen I think and that’s true for
everybody and I think in terms of people
with disability sport really sends a
very strong message that kids and that
people and that athletes with disability
do have a lot more potential than limits
as well as a successful athlete you’re
also a motivational speaker what’s the
most common challenge that people face I
think the biggest challenge that that
everybody encounters is making
that the goal that they have is
realistic and that they’re really
passionate about the goal that they
choose and also ready to do the hard
work you know and every time I speak to
people I do speak about having that big
dream that I had to win five Paralympic
gold medals but I also speak a lot about
making sure that you break down those
goals and turn it into daily tasks that
is going to add up and make it possible
to reach that goal believe in yourself
for sure like you need to believe that
it is possible to make those big dreams
happen but it’s not enough if you’re not
ready to to put the hours and do the
hard work and that’s the part that we
don’t want to know about but that’s you
know in the end really the only way to
succeed now not everyone has the
opportunity of joining diff useful tips
so if you’re somewhere else in the world
how do you find a place where you can
train I think the big challenge with the
Paralympic sports and the Paralympic
movement and just sport for people with
disability is that every country is very
different and the respect and
recognition for people with disability
is certainly not the same in every
country in some countries still have to
fight just for basic rights of being
recognized but I think when you start
looking no matter where you are you will
find that that there are people who have
an open mind and who will be ready to
help you either find the tools or find
the people if I find the clubs and the
structure and and and make it possible
for anybody to to enter into to know
about Paralympic sports or or just
fitness for people with disability thank
you so much is great having you well
thank you
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