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Interview with P.K. Subban

hi I’m Rebecca Frieden and welcome to and today we’re at the
Hyundai hockey helpers program to learn
more about their spokesman PK subban hmm
and you’re hitting me hard
so we just like to know a little bit
more about the program and why you
decided to get involved well I think
that once the opportunity was brought to
myself and my family to be involved in
this program we were extremely thrilled
we get opportunities a lot to endorse
companies and be a part of programs but
this one was so significant in terms of
the vast amount of kids that are going
to get the support that they need and I
think that the biggest thing is that I
have a personal connection to it and
knowing about the sacrifices that my
parents had to make to afford hockey so
to see these kids get that financial
support and bridge that gap between you
know playing hockey and not being able
to play because of financial support I
think it’s great and I’m extremely happy
and proud to be a part of this program
for our viewers who are outside of
Montreal we’d like to get to know the
man behind the spokesman if you wouldn’t
mind with few lightning round by
questions route okay so if you could
compare yourself to any different other
defenseman who would you say I’d have to
say Sheldon sir a for the reason that he
was voted like the hottest guy in the
NHL so like I would say that I’m like
the next hottest guy so that works
favorite sport other than hockey um I’d
have to say football I’m a big Cowboys
fan and they won last night so paul
fantasy football picks number one pick I
would pick Tony Romo why cuz he’s the
man coffee or tea mmm
and you’re hitting me hard um I’d have
to say coffee yeah cuz I’ve had a lot of
early mornings and that saved me a
couple times best city you visited on
the road I’d have to say Toronto it’s my
hometown so I love going there on the
road it’s fun a great building to
playing great restaurants good-looking
people it’s good how does good as
Montreal but not as good let you all
know you’re right so last question your
favorite saying favorite saying pay
attention to detail okay thanks very
much whores
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