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Interview with Hacker MafiaBoy

as a 15 year old this Canadian teen
brought the Internet to its knees now
eight years later he tells his side of
the story and what’s wrong with the
Internet today hi I’m Rebecca Brayton
and welcome to today we’re
speaking with Craig Silverman and
Michael Cal J also known as mafia boy
explained to those of us who aren’t tech
savvy exactly what you did if too many
people were calling Domino’s at the same
time their call center would give you
back a busy carrier so that meaning that
they’re overloaded with phone calls you
can’t reach them so in an aspect that’s
the same thing like online you can
bombard a website with fake requests and
essentially those fake requests will
overwhelm the website and it will
actually refused access to legitimate
users trying to access the site so
basically you’re overloading them with
data and fake requests that it renders
their site offline it is estimated that
mafia boys denial of service attacks
cost nearly eight million dollars in
damages to the global economy in the
days after the attacks then US President
Bill Clinton used the incident to
assemble a summit of Internet industry
insiders to deal with online security
what was the result of your attacks for
yourself for government regulation did
the Internet is insecure right that
fifteen-year-old was capable and able to
do this obviously raise the awareness to
a lot of people as the dot-com gets
bigger and bigger and more and more
money is invested online it’s gonna
become more of a relative issue I think
so it’s eight years later and now you’ve
come up with this book about internet
security firstly how did you get
involved in the writing this book I got
a call from my my literary agent saying
he heard from somebody who claims to be
you know that famous mafia boy can you
go meet him can you see what he’s all
about see if you know there is a story
I met with Michael at a coffee shop in
downtown Montreal and you know just sort
of wanted to see what he was all about
why he wanted to tell the story and
obviously to check you know what his
motivations were because it was eight
years and you wonder why you know he
feels he’s ready and you know the
interesting thing for me was he said it
took me time to really you know come to
terms with what I did I think maybe now
I can actually hell
people and that was that was kind of the
thing that I was hoping to hear it
certainly was eye-opening you know to
see the progression from in 2000 what he
had done to today where you have
organized cyber crime gangs online he
was just one person who did this you
know this act sort of by himself inflict
a lot of damage well today you have
people who are recruiting hackers who
would have been like him at that time
who are putting them into gangs and
going out there and you know consciously
trying to steal credit card numbers
identities launching these denial of
service attacks as a way to extort money
from companies saying we’ll knock your
site offline if you don’t pay us twenty
thousand dollars it’s supposedly quoted
150 billion dollar industry internet
crime I mean that’s more than the drug
trafficking trade so I mean something
obviously needs to be regulated with
this and people need to wake up and be
aware I mean Bill Clinton during his
press conference related to my issue
said you know this is a wake-up call so
why are people still sleeping this is
what I don’t understand
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