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Interview with Dr. Dog

dr. dogs music has often been compared
to psychedelic 60s bands such as the
and I was just wondering was this
something intentional for you guys and
were you worried about there being an
audience for this type of music I’ve
always sort of had enough faith in
myself to say that I okay we’re working
this song through it’s done i take it
home i put on the CD player I hit play I
listen to it I’m like that’s awesome and
it’s over and I listen to it again I’m
like yeah I really like this and so it’d
be silly for me to think that I’m the
only person in the world that’s going to
enjoy that I mean if I’m being honest
with myself and I really do like it what
you have to do when you’re making music
because you can’t let anything slide
there’s not a single release dr. dog
song that I listened to and regret
anything about and I use that as
evidence the fact that we know how to be
objective listeners to our own music and
know exactly at what point it’s done to
our liking and it becomes a piece of
music that we enjoy listening to would
you like to describe them in school and
their uncle themes of your most recent
album of fate we had no manifesto for
this album we just like everything
stepped into the studio they said here’s
70 songs like let’s start on one and
then the next day let’s start on another
and you just start throwing a bunch of
shit at the wall and slowly some things
start to stick and as things were
starting to stick it was a beautiful
picture made out of this shit on wall
you know did you feel a lot of pressure
to sort of be different from what you
guys did the album before this one you
know I’ve been asked that before and I
know that sort of like a definitely like
phenomenon for bands and you put out a
couple records and then from those
records people sort of gain a sense of
who you are they start to expect a
certain thing from you and then
truly if you change or whatever you know
my mess people up from the very first
things we’ve ever done we’re pretty wide
open like we’ve always given ourselves a
lot of room to try a lot two different
things I mean of course within 60s
inspired psychedelic Beatles based pop
there’s a lot of different ways you can
sort of dress up a song and make it feel
and I feel like we’ve only really
scratched the surface of that for
ourselves so when it came time to make
the album there was no need to feel
pressure because we were so excited to
be doing and we had plenty of ideas how
would you describe a typical dr. dog
show for someone who’s never been on a
basic level that they’re pretty high
energy shows you know we all like to
just let the physical side of it take
over and the thinking side of it sort of
go away so it’s pretty much in general
like sort of just a stupid most the time
drunken sweaty rugby match
and I
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