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Interview with Doug Bradley a.k.a Hellraiser’s Pinhead

he’s best known as pinhead leader of the
Santa by hi I’m Rebecca Brayton and
welcome to we headed to
comic-con where we spoke with Doug
Bradley about his involvement in Clive
Barker’s Hellraiser film series and to
get his take on what makes a great
horror story
you opened it we tell you what makes a
terrifying and excellent horror villain
you know they say that the devil has all
the best use so I think I think there’s
an element that you carry the threat you
carry the danger but there has to always
be something something running counter
to that whether it’s charm or humor
whatever it is that undercuts the two
dimensionality of playing a villain no
tears please it’s a waste of good
suffering I was lucky in the five knows
that Clive Barker wrote the screenplay
for the first movie created the
character he knows that very very well
and he had written that into my part so
I just had to kind of follow the
signposts that he’d laid down for how
did you first get involved with hell
five asked me to do that simple we had
been working together in the in in
theater for probably ten years before
how Rosa came along so certainly when I
read the screenplay and looked at I
can’t I kind of knew in my bones where
he was where he was driving but it was
that simple he just he just asked me to
do it but I mean he and I have known
each other now for 40 years we
we first met at high school where does
Hellraiser fit in in terms of its
contemporaries in the same genre at the
time when it was first release it’s very
very solidly in its Millia and then its
time and Clive puts something timeless
into the story
he dropped the gothic horror into the
middle of a contemporary slasher horror
film and made the two married together
perfectly the look of the Santa bites
the design of the Santa bites they will
never age there’s a degree of big hair
and shoulder pads going on in how raised
the telus we’re definitely in the 1980s
but you can you’ll be able to go and
look at Hal razor in 20 years time in 50
years time we’re all still here and the
won’t have aged at all
they never will you’re also quite
outspoken on the edge
a remix
and I know there was some talk of a
Hellraiser remake they’ve been talking
about it for four years and I as far as
I’m aware they’re no closer to making it
and they were four years ago which as
far as I’m concerned there’s only good
news but yes III have my opinions and
I’m not I’m not Pro the whole remake
culture thank you very much will tear
your soul you’re welcome
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