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Interview with Alexisonfire

how would you describe an alexisonfire
show for someone who’s never been it’s
like sitting in a library and then
thumbing through you know the great
gatsby then it gets around page 13 and
page 13 S missing then the library and
takes her shirt off and then some guy
comes into nowhere knocks a bookshelf
over onto a pile of
right now
hi and welcome to I’m your
host Stephanie don’t be nervous don’t be
scared stop shaking I’m shaking from the
cold so i’m colonel okay nevermind then
you’re fine all right and today we’re
going to talk to you about post-hardcore
5-piece Alexisonfire I think the things
are most important to us about music are
things that we liked when you’re growing
up vinyl and blank shins
so can you guys tell me what are your
inspiration it kind of comes from
everything beyond to Reno just the
people you meet the music you listen too
hard you see the books you read and I
think you start peeling away like little
things like that it’s just storing them
in your brain and when you start you
know writing music it kind of all comes
out hopefully
what do you guys think about the current
state of the music industry completely
like a sinking ship like it’s it’s going
down and it’s burning and people no idea
what’s going on that’s fine because I
think it’ll just allow bands to you know
maybe not be so pressured and influenced
by labels and just you know maybe create
something that’s a little more
so guys I’d like to talk about crisis
and the musical miracle themes behind it
I don’t know I guess there’s a lot of
songs about like being disenchanted with
the city you’re growing up and not
really a cheery and a bunch of fake love
songs a little bit more morose playing
the whole album live on this tour and
then a bunch of other songs so I
definitely want to write a bunch of
songs they’re kind barnburners like that
that really feminine rocket
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