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Humanitarian Aid in the World Food Crisis

the food crisis is leading to lack of
food and high prices and communities
throughout the developing world hi
welcome to I’m your host
Ashley and today I got the chance to
down with the manual ish about World
Vision’s role for humanitarian aid in
the world food crisis what is the
mission of world vision’s food crisis
and humanitarian aid our prime concern
is truly to make sure that we’re able to
meet the needs of the children both on
the short term and long term when
household earns couple three dollars a
day they’re less and less able to feed
themselves and their children so that’s
for us the premise of this crisis how
does world vision supply those in need
we have food aid programs in about 30
countries beyond those countries we have
our cultural programs and other programs
that can also respond to this crisis
tell us about world vision’s short-term
and long-term goals in the short term we
need to make sure people have food to
eat so we’re going to you know increase
where we can food distributions or
access to food will in some cases give
food vouchers to people in some cases
even cash but that doesn’t solve the
problem a longer term it’s about making
sure that these communities can sustain
themselves that’s why we need to invest
more in their cultural production
capacity in microfinance in microcredit
do you monitor the progress of children
that you supply food to our local teams
are there on the ground and over a
number of years are able to see the
progress in the development again not
just with the children but with the
community and all the changes are
happening as a result you tell us a
little bit about what just happened in
San Bob way and how that country is
dealt with World Vision and other NGOs
we’re referring to the the government
asking all the NGOs to shut down their
operations over 2 million Zimbabweans
have depended on wool vision food
assistance so now we’ve had to cease all
these activities so it’s impacting a lot
of people at the worst of times really
so we’re calling on the government
Zimbabwe to really change your mind sort
of speak and to allow will vision and
others to resume the crucial assistance
that the people depend on
what is the relationship between the
current food crisis poverty and access
it’s all interconnected globally we’re
still producing enough food to feed one
half times the world’s population a day
in the day really if we tackle the issue
of access then we’ll be able to tackle
the issue the food crisis then you know
so it’s about being more aware of that
internally the food crisis and the
energy crisis affects us here but
affects more seriously a lot more people
around the world thank you so much for
your time thank you
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