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How to Wax your Car

everybody loves a clean and shiny car
but if you don’t want to pay the pros to
polish your ride Do It Yourself hi I’m
Rebecca Brayton and welcome to and today we’ll be showing
you how to wax your car waxing your car
protects the paint from harsh
environmental contaminants and gives it
a natural Sheen
ideally wax your car in a cool shady
spot so the Sun does not bake the wax
onto your car it is important to have a
clean and dry car before waxing once the
car is thoroughly dry grab a half-dollar
sized amount of wax on a damp wax sponge
in a small circular motion rub the wax
onto the surface of the car wax the
entire car working in small sections
while waxing be sure to take note of the
route you took by the time you’re
finished waxing the whole car the place
you started will be ready to remove wipe
it off with a soft terry cloth towel
avoid wax buildup on your cloth by
shaking out any remnants while you work
when you’ve wiped off all the wax verify
you haven’t left any residue by leaning
as closely to your car as possible and
checking the entire surface of the body
to polish the wax use a cloth diaper or
cheese cloth over the whole car now
you’re ready to show off your shiny car
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