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How to Remove Red Wine Spills On the Go

fashion accidents happen to the best of
us especially when we’re sporting our
favorite clothing but a spilled glass of
wine doesn’t make for a ruined top all
you need to do is that quickly with an
appropriate attack plan hi I’m Veronica and today we’re going to
show you some quick fixes for wine
spills for whenever you’re away from
home red wine is the type of stain that
needs to be taken care of right away the
key to removing the stain efficiently is
to act as fast as possible here’s one
way to attack that stain ask for some
salt and sprinkle it over the stain
after a few minutes remove the salt and
blot with a damp cloth until the stain
is removed coarse salt like kosher salt
works best and here’s another attack
plan if you can’t seem to find any
coarse salt don’t fret because just a
little bit of club soda will do the
trick if possible ask your host or
waiter for some club soda and blot at
the stain with a napkin then pour club
soda over the stain letting it bubble up
for generous amounts until the wine
bounces out of the fabric the one thing
you must keep in mind is that until you
have completely removed the stain you
must avoid applying any form of heat
whether this is from the dryer or the
iron this will only walk in the stain no
matter what method you chose to use to
attack the stain once you’re back home
wash is recommended to finish removing
the stain now that you know there’s a
way to remove any spills you can enjoy a
glass of red wine no matter where you
are or what you’re wearing
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