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How to Make Brown Eyes Pop Using the Latest Fall Colors

hi I’m Lisa Simpson minerals and you’re
watching and today we have
the lovely melody from Ashley’s closet
fashion blogger extraordinaire and we’re
going to make brown eyes pop by using
contrast colors such as the cool waters
palette all the blues Gray’s aquas those
are the big colors that are going to be
seeing this fall and winter but it’s
awesome for bringing out sparkling brown
eyes all right just to start everything
as a beautiful base is just a little bit
of loose mineral foundation I’m gonna
use the sim minerals tawny foundation
we’re gonna use your small kabuki brush
and we’re gonna grind the minerals into
the lid so next we’re gonna go into is
the cool waters palette always a little
bit of shine involved because that’s
what really carries us makes it more
fashion-forward for like the fall winter
nothing to to Matt we’re going to use
the light grey as our base shade i’m
using the chisel deluxe oval fluff it
doesn’t fly all over the place make sure
to concentrate the color on the lower
lid and on the inner corner it will just
make the eyes really pop extend that
color out towards the temple blend it
with the fingertips it’s gonna create a
nice little highlight for the top of the
cheekbone okay now what I’m going to go
into is more of this pewter shade has a
little bit of a blue-gray reflection
we’re gonna use a chisel double angle
it’s kind of like the universal we’re
gonna start on the outer corner the most
open part of the eye is where we’re
gonna stop and just taper it in words
and this lightly pull it up on to the
actual brow bone should almost be that
you don’t even see the color as it’s
going on because it should be that far
into the crease and not up under the
brow bone then what we’re going to move
into is the crease brush otherwise known
as a pencil brush I’m going to go to the
darkest shade and just imagine a little
imaginary V that starts at the lashline
outer corner and into the crease and
just lightly Pat it I’m going to switch
over now to the tapered kolinsky angle
absolutely the best eyebrow brush and
liner brush that you could imagine just
because it’s extremely dense it picks
cupped color it keeps its shape we’re
gonna go back down to the darkest shade
starting outer corner and going towards
the center of the I don’t go all the way
it tends to make it
look smaller what we can do now is
taking the same brush go back to the
latest shade and go into the inner
corner and blend it back towards the
middle next step I’m going to stay with
the same colors we’re just gonna take a
little bit of eyeliner sealer sometimes
you could use water maybe a little bit
of a light toner you just want to make
your brush a little bit more humid so it
picks up the shadow and makes it more
into a liner consistency so wet the
brush first before picking up your
shadow go a little bit wider on the
outer corner and slowly taper it make it
more narrow as it goes towards the inner
corner okay so we have midnight sky
beautiful dark blue great option against
wearing black all the time black isn’t a
color so it’s very absorbing for the
light and actually makes things look
smaller that’s why you always want to
wear this little black dress but when
you have the small I do small lashes
actually dark blue liner and dark blue
mascara works wonders for bringing out
shape and seeing more definition so now
that we’ve finished with the general
eyeshadow the liner we need a little
final definition for the brows we’re
going back with our tapered kolinsky
angle and I’m really just gonna fill in
the skin that is exposed between the
roots of the hair and just brush it up
we’re just gonna go back and highlight
the light colors again so going back to
the light silver we’re gonna go
underneath the arch of the brow pull
that part up just looking a little
surprised I guess and then push that
color up underneath the brow I’ll
actually wet the brush for reapplying
the lightest shade into the inner corner
of the eye whereas gonna make that area
look brighter more open so last but not
least it’s just gonna be a couple of
coats of mascara with ethnic clashes I’m
gonna tell you when they’re a little bit
kinky they tend to cross a lot they get
tangled a lot they need to look Silla a
little extra love so I highly recommend
starting with mascara and then following
through afterwards with a lash comb
don’t wait for it to dry apply the
mascara follow through the lash chrome
so for fall you’re gonna see a lot of
like rich jewel tones so the one that
I’m going to use is called garnet so Jem
inspired I’m going to go for something a
little bit more womanly and when
just use the color right underneath the
cheekbone falling back into fall means
falling back into like a lot more color
on the lips so we can go crazy use lip
liner you can use full body color on the
lips so I’m going to use plum brown
pencil I’ll fill in the whole lip that
way even when the lip color that we’re
going to apply on top decides to take
off you’ll still have a good base color
underneath we’re going to take a little
bit of a plum lip polish actually apply
it to the center of the upper lip do not
go too close to the edge and just press
and that will be a very controlled way
of applying color without it dripping
off well I’d love to thank Marjorie for
Marjorie’s closet for being a beautiful
model today I’m Lisa sim from sim
minerals you’ve been watching
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