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How James Duthie Almost Killed Wayne Gretzky

you’ll laugh you’ll cry and you may even
learn something about sports hi I’m
Rebecca Brayton and welcome to and today we’re speaking
with TSN hockey analyst James Duthie
about his book the day I almost killed
two Gretzky’s let’s talk about the book
the day I almost killed two Gretzky’s
it’s a book of columns I’ve been writing
columns for I guess the last decade a
lot of coms about hockey but this column
is about my kids they’re always a tinge
of sports to it but there’s a lot of
it’s really on the fringe of sports so I
think it’s a column above my PVR and my
remote control and this one about as
unhealthy obsession I had had a
Kournikova so it’s all over the map so
let’s discuss the title tell us how you
almost killed two Gretzky’s I was
playing in Wayne’s golf tournament three
years ago and I was gonna practice round
I was playing with Walter behind Wayne
and I almost killed two of them with
shots over a two hole span because I’m
streaky that way and I always thought
that would be what a legacy that would
have been to knock off the most famous
Canadian ever and the most beloved
father in Canadian history Roberto
Luongo writes the foreword which isn’t
necessarily an obvious choice why am i
quite often do these sort of shtick
light-hearted pieces for TSN we did a
piece a few years ago unpack up go Leafs
and it was on Jamie McLennan who was
Roberto lawand was backup goalie in
Florida and instead of doing a typical
piece on what backup goalies do we we
did some elaborate plot line about how
secretly he was fantasizing about offing
Roberto so he could get more playing
time and we staged the scene where
Luongo got run over by a Zamboni anyway
in the process of doing this Longo was
very creative he kept making suggestions
about we should do this do this and most
hockey players aren’t exactly the most
bubbly personalities and
so I got to know him a little bit and I
said this guy’s a lot funnier than
people give him credit for so I just
thought when I was looking for someone
to do the book that he’d be he’d be good
and he’s already gets my warped sense of
humor a little bit now who would you say
the audience is that you’re targeting
with this book when I started writing I
didn’t want it to be just for the
die-hard sports fans I didn’t want it to
be the typical column you pick up in
your Montreal Gazette every day I still
think it’s for sports fans but I’ve been
really surprised in just doing book
signings and getting feedback at the
people that have shown up for the book a
lot of Mom’s show up that I guess like
the columns about my kids and a lot of
younger people I had a couple of people
write me said they’re there ten eleven
year old boys or they ask them to read
them a story every night before bed so I
guess kids are enjoying it I panicked
when I heard that though because I
started to think if there was any
inappropriate things I’d said in the
book which there probably are a few but
not too many have you found that TSN has
kind of allowed you to be more creative
in your stick over time in the writing
especially when I signed up the new
columns in 2000 I said I want to write
but I said I I don’t want to write your
typical stuff I want to be able to write
whatever the heck I think about even if
it’s really on the fringe of sports and
they were really good they said just do
whatever you want and which was probably
a mistake on their behalf but so that
allowed me to do a lot of things and
there’s some of these stick pieces that
we do that I revert a little long ago
that I was talking about they’re really
they’re really really loose we just did
one another little ongo piece because
everybody was asking me if Longueuil
really wrote the foreword I get that
question a lot well I said yeah LaJuan
was actually a very talented writer he’s
a poet so we will debut the poetry of
Roberto Luongo a collection of short
poems by Roberto Luongo which is pretty
funny and I shouldn’t say it’s funny you
let people judge that because of you
when you say something that’s funny
people are always disappointed but no
it’s been great so you can’t always be
incredibly creative when you’re hosting
a panel but the other things they let me
thank you very much no problem thank you
very much
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