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Hommage to the Esquire Show Bar

Sol is back veteran stars Jimmy Dooley
and skipper Dean paid tribute to the
legendary Esquire show bar and take us
back to their days as the Avalon’s hi
I’m Rebecca Brayton and welcome to join us for a night in the
50s can you paint us a picture of the
Esquire Shore
it had a big bar and inside the bar was
the stage so the bar was this level
stage was hit people all around the
stage after that they had chairs all
over the place the ambience was just
wonderful what made the Esquire unique
in Montreal and the world they had
original soul and R&B artists coming in
to play there and it brought all sorts
of people out who mingled together and
enjoyed himself together they had fun
and it was danceable music listening
music I always looked at soul as you’re
gonna have a good time you go there what
a move in unum can’t help but sway to
the beat or cry to the songs
how has soul music changed throughout
the years dramatically well they don’t
call it soul and call it rhythm and
blues which is originally salt and the
field has changed the phrasing is the
timing I want to say about the young
entertainers in the show we can only
suggest how it goes how it was and how
to reach the people and they have really
really come forward that they are
reaching out and and that’s also part of
the success because the young people
they get it for those of us who can’t
see it tell us a bit about the show we
cover the whole spectrum we from the
twist to the jerk and the fly and we end
up with twisting the night away Sam
Cooke’s I try to dance as much as I can
and then I’m gonna get all out of breath
and I have to relax I realized that you
know slow down cuz you’re gonna need
oxygen tell us about the Avalons and
what have you been doing since three of
the original Avalon’s except for skipper
we hadn’t sing together in 30 years and
someone got a hold of some information
on the group and mention it to PBS so
they phoned me in New Brunswick and said
would you like to be on the show I said
sure and they said well you think
Bernard and George would like to be on
say I’ll get in touch with them so I did
and we did the show in 2003 I kept in
touch with the ones that were here
because we could find each other he’s
here and he kept in touch with the ones
in the States cause any way to find them
yeah just lucky we hope yeah thank you
very much thank you
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