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Home Buying Guide

buying your first home is a daunting
task that should not be undertaken alone
hi I’m Rebecca Brady and welcome to and today in part three of
our interview with Sandra D’Amato host
of hdtvs Property Virgins we’ll be
learning more about the home buying
process what kind of team does a person
need to assemble when buying home I
absolutely recommend building a team of
professionals early on so you want to
get a good mortgage consultant very
early on because you want to check your
credit you want to make sure
everything’s in order sometimes you have
to have a plan in order to bring up your
credit score clean off some issues from
the past you know they don’t teach
credit manipulation in high school but
it’s it should definitely be a course if
you know that you’re going to be in the
market maybe start frequenting open
houses in the neighborhood that you want
to buy in and meet some Realtors and
talk with them ask them questions
everybody has different personalities
right so if you are statistic or or
oriented then you want to get the kind
of realtor that can rhyme off some stats
for you another group of professionals
you should have on your team are home
inspectors might even need to find a
structural engineer but home inspectors
sometimes are both so that’s a good
thing to have as well so the list is
long and a good team of professionals
can take a lot of stress away for you in
general is there a magic number of how
much you should put down the more you
can put down the better because it
decreases your mortgage amount which
decreases your monthly expense but you
don’t want to put absolutely everything
you have into a down payment because
then you’re left with nothing for
renovations or buying appliances
furniture whatever you need so put as
much as you can without emptying out
your savings account if you can get
twenty percent down then you can avoid
the high insurance cost to insure the
mortgage loan so that would be a good
goal how long should it take to find the
right home you know that’s a good
question because with the internet it
has actually come down in the last ten
years used to be about ten houses on
average people would look at before they
found the right one now it’s down to
three to six on average and that’s
because people are surfing the net
they’re seeing houses the shock factor
happens in the privacy of their own home
and they turn on their what that’s what
a million dollars get you or whatever
you know so they’re more savvy now
before they ever go out
to look at their first house which is
wonderful thank you very much you’re
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