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HipMojo 31: Marissa Mayer as Yahoo! CEO, NBC’s Olympic Fail

welcome to hip Muldrow 31 we’re back
after a little bit of a hiatus between
summer vacations and I guess illness and
other things there you go okay but we’re
back my name is ash grant Carver
solution and I’m Rebecca Brayton so
Rebecca yes first question this kind of
comes back to something you talked about
in a fuchsia fuchsia years ago but
Marissa Meyer was chosen as Yahoo’s CEO
as Ross Levinsohn leaves so guess the
first question is are you surprised yeah
I think anyone that says that there were
not surprised is a liar even Kara
Swisher that seems to have like a mic in
the Yahoo boardroom or I guess restroom
she didn’t know about this nobody knew
about this but the board went out and
even though it was technically Ross
Levinson’s gig to lose they went out and
they hired Marissa Meyer it is a
surprise nobody knew about it you know I
didn’t say anything because one yahoo is
one of our partners and not that I know
Ross that personally but roasted by IGN
after I Jen bought askmen so I got to
know him over the years and met him when
he was an investor blah blah blah I
think most of the media universe thought
that Ross was a great executive and CEO
I think he probably would have further
cemented yahoo down the media and
content path which i think is yahoo
strength however i think the board just
felt that it wanted something like of a
Hail Mary I think they’ve seen companies
like Facebook Twitter Foursquare all
these tech companies Instagram come
along and build these at least on paper
billion-dollar valuation businesses and
they just feel like someone with Marissa
Meyer who’s going to take the company
down the path of products and technology
that was the answer to create more value
you sorry yahoo after unloading some of
the asian assets is going to be worth
about what is worth right now about 19
18 billion dollars after those assets
are shed it’s going to be worth less but
it’s going to have a lot more cash on
and so I just feel like the board wanted
to give it one last shot at going for
the big tag tech Renaissance personally
I think Marissa Meyer is a hell of an
executive accomplished can’t say
anything wrong and actually just to be
perfectly honest I think it was a bit of
a very interesting choice because she’s
a woman and she’s pregnant so who was
going to come out and say this is a bad
idea I’m just you know playing devil’s
advocate to some extent although a few
people did come out and say one was the
founder of right media Michael Woolworth
who came out and said I’m surprised the
Yahoo technology edge is a myth yahoo is
really all about audience and content
and media I think that the move would
have made sense in like 2003 when ya or
something along that timeline when Yahoo
still had some traction on the tech
front I think yahoo has gone so much
down one end of the spectrum and media
and content that this really is a Hail
Mary final attempt at remaining
independent and becoming like a tech and
products company we’ll see what happens
I guess I’m just one thing I will say
that it might succeed it might not I
think it boils down to execution I think
when it’s said and done she will
probably she’s not doing this for money
she’s worth I think three hundred
million dollars more power to you
Marissa but I think she’s doing this to
win because Larry Page did not pick her
to be one of her inner circle members at
Google so she’s doing this to prove him
and maybe the whole world wrong and
prove herself you know things to herself
but ultimately she’s not doing this I
think boards sometimes our suicidal and
that they make these big bets and they
don’t pan out I think executives are
actually risk averse on average in
general so I think she in a month or two
will realize that this is a bit risky
and she might use technology and her
product acumen to create better content
consumption and advertising products and
if they do go down the path of tech I
think she’s going to use some of that
money just to buy a company like Yelp or
four square or group on or even Twitter
as crazy as that last one sounds because
they’re not going to be able to make up
that much lost time that’s what I think
I could be wrong I’ve been wrong before
but even a broken clock is right twice
per day all right going sorry it’s hard
to ignore the Olympic
even if they’re being played in the
middle of the night according to us so
NBC’s Olympic fail everyone’s
complaining that they shouldn’t be
airing it in prime time etc etc spoilers
what’s the ok aside from a very basic
standard of partnership we have with
Hulu that is partly owned by NBC in the
fact that I know a bunch of execs there
and you know it’s not like we have any
bias towards this I think we should give
NBC a lot of credit I mean to me it’s a
bit like you’re traveling in a plane
just be freaking happy that the plane
doesn’t crash and you land right now
there’s like a thousand events going on
at once NDC manages to more or less
capture at all we love curation in this
era so NBC is creating the experience
for you if you’re really not happy maybe
you could go and find a billion dollars
1.2 billion dollars and buy the rights
otherwise stuff it you know most
Americans are working during the day
they actually don’t necessarily want to
watch the Olympics and if they do well
they can watch it online and guess what
NBC is a for-profit business part of a
company called comcast which is a cable
company and they have their own
objectives and I just find it so
ridiculous that social media gurus and
all these journalists love them
otherwise you know these are the experts
in media that say NBC you should just
blow up its business and put everything
on line smoked a big crack pipe and you
know share the love and mojo and all
that I mean come on it’s it’s not to
make money right and it cares about its
advertisers and guess what advertisers
don’t pay much for ads on little TV
mobile screens in mobile and on the
internet but they add during any point
you want but they’ll play a lot
primetime on a big TV screen so NBC is
doing what makes sense and the ratings
are doing good and I think this is the
typical silent majority versus vocal
minority will in four years will it be
the same thing no in eight years will be
the same thing no but like I said you
get on a plane you might not like the
food shut up the plane lands you’re
happy it’s the same thing 8 12 16 years
ago you didn’t even see half the sports
the footage was crappy get over it well
I’m feeling but they do have the ratings
so they do have the reading gym so Ernst
& Young this is your time to toot your
own horn and nominated you as
entrepreneur of the year in the media
category so do awards and nominations
for startups and entrepreneurs Medicaid
cliche notwithstanding I always
juxtapose that by saying it is really a
testament to the team i think i think i
could say whatever I want and have any
kind of this is that what we’re going to
do and let’s taste that nobody listens
to me so the fact that they’re sort of
gave us s nomination it is for the
company which is great I actually think
when this happened I thought of the
Vince Lombardi quote you know you guys
know I like sports analogies Vince
Lombardi former legendary coach of the
Green Bay Packers he says the score is
for the other guy like that you’re
facing hours for the guys in the
audience you just care about the little
plays and you just care about winning
it’s the same thing usually I’d say
doesn’t matter and I don’t mean now
attained disrespect to Ernst & Young I
just think these things are nice and
there’s a lot of companies that don’t
take the time we’ve been around for six
seven years we’ve never submitted our
application in this case one of the
there folks there’s suggested us and we
ended up going for an interview and then
we got nominated I think where it is
important for watching I’ll join
particular is considering we never
raised VC we’ve never had a third-party
professional organization look at our
numbers vet us interview me let me check
for criminal backgrounds or whatever and
check our financial statements and say
hey these guys religion they’re kosher
again maybe don’t tell that to Arthur
Andersen who didn’t couldn’t read a
ledger if their life depended on it and
my older brother used to work for
americen so let’s not go there but my
point is I think for us it is nice to
finally have a third-party entity that
sort of vets our books that’s me and the
team and says okay these guys are not
crazy so in that sense it’s good
otherwise it’s nice but like we got
bigger fish to fry and I’m not saying
that to be all estoy because just
doesn’t really make any difference so
how many cliches is it bigger fish to
fry uh cliche is knowledge easier just
to be nominated anyway all true we
recently announced I think if we took a
shot of whatever every time I use the
cliche or something like that I’d be
wasted facedown on the floor Oh which is
basically called Friday’s here I’m sorry
great so we recently announced that
we’re opening up our videos to students
and professors for free but I thought
our videos were already free Touche
Touche okay yes yes yes well so here’s
one of those things that we didn’t
necessarily anticipate until we saw a
big demand and
marketplace yeah our videos are free on
YouTube on and many other
places but I mean despite the tech-savvy
nature of students and professors and
how connected classrooms are oftentimes
you do need the actual files to present
in a classroom or sometimes you want to
embed your presentation a video in a
presentation or sometimes professors
want to you know sort of have the actual
video not connected to the Internet so
over the years and then the main thing
sorry is you do need permission
sometimes to use videos that a publisher
is produced so all we’re doing here is
we are streamlining and formalizing
something that we’ve been doing for a
while which is students and teachers
using our content as well as you know
academic publishers and organizations
that are focused on education 21st
century learning and all that and the
idea is pretty simple I’d be lying to
you if I said we’re just ripping off BBC
strategy here BBC gives students and
teachers a free noncommercial personal
use that you could use the videos in
your education to teach to learn and all
that but if you want to put it in some
kind of you know sort of overall paid
for dashboard or whatever that then
either people pay for or you charge your
students to learn English or learn about
history then I think that stays somewhat
of a commercial thing this is just I
guess to put in the big pictures I’ve
always said we’re sort of becoming the
Wikipedia in video professional produced
content or the biography or history
channel of the Millennial Generation all
this does frankly is is just cements
that it crystallizes that and it’s sort
of one of those like sort of the ernst &
young thing we’ve been doing it forever
but now we just sort of made it official
that’s it so we saw this feature called
email of the email of the week and we
stopped it because it was it was good
but instead of just asking the question
we just tied it into as one of the
segments I believe while we get amazing
feedback on YouTube we occasionally get
a blistering fan mail this week you have
the honors I i do I will read you the
letter that we got this week that was
written to us and I’m gonna say what is
that twenty point font
20.5 lots of caps lots of question
question marks and exclamation marks
what were you thinking for question
marks number 9 was card Ashley what’s
the video the video said top 10s get sex
scandals celebrity sex scandals so
number 9 was Kardashian and Hilton the
posted the people’s that they posted
downright porn explicit sex and your
comment was hey it worked is your
message to the youth of the world to do
a movie of yourself having explicit sex
posted on the internet for everyone to
watch your comment made it seem like Kim
should get an award for the most viewers
and you can have a career in show
business really all caps for exclamation
points Tiger Woods having affairs is
number 14 ! ? why three question marks
having affairs is worse than what
Kardashian did she’s got a point by the
way in some of this but going really
whoa oh we could have a whole other hip
mojo both at eight of the tenor men two
of them to t 0 RR gay men that shows not
to share their sexuality with the world
yet the Kardashian Kardashian slut is
less offensive to you Michael Jackson
was acquitted he’s number two really all
caps wow you miss the boat Kardashian
showing her stars it’s five stars so I
imagine without getting six stars you
could imagine that and then sucking her
a four stars on the internet is only
worth in number nine a woman must have
done this story one that still has a lot
of anger at the men in her life I’m just
gonna say that you’re reading that funny
I we jumped from academic organizations
to sex scandals but that’s watch poncho
basically reading that email I go I need
to go get my hands on that Kardashian
sextape no comment uh I the only thing I
want to say is that the video was
written it was ranked based on the
effect each incident had on the
celebrities career and unfortunately the
sex tapes did help Kim Kardashian’s
career and Paris Hilton’s career so
whether or not they did that on purpose
which I’m not even going to comment on
it helped them so that’s why it was
number nine and number one Tiger Woods
can’t swing a golf club anymore so yeah
it affected his career that’s why he’s
number one
I really have nothing to top that all
right and I’m not angry at all the men
in my life back no comments on that
that’s hit mojo 31 see you next week or
next month whatever
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