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Guide to Piano – Grand Piano Pedals

in the 21st century when we talk about
pianos there are a variety of pianos
existing in the market for example
digital keyboards which they call
digital pianos and how are we going to
separate these pianos from what i have
here we call these instruments acoustic
pianos as opposed to digital or
electronic pianos so for the acoustic
piano we have the grand piano as well as
the upright piano which we will be
looking at a little later for the grand
piano it’s taking a much greater
footprint and also the strings are
horizontal instead of vertical in the
acoustic upright piano the strengths
horizontally with this open case gives
much greater resonance and is often used
in a concert hall you might ask why is
it that the lid is at a 45 degree angle
because in terms of physics when you
play the sounds would go right up we hit
the board and will then be reflected at
90 degrees which will go all the way to
the audience so normally when we have a
grand piano like this at a concert hall
we will be placing it this way so that
the board and all the sounds would be
traveling this way to reach the audience
also when we look at the piano we might
realize that some have three pedals and
some have two pedals why is that so for
the grand piano the pedals operate this
way we have three of them normally other
ones might have to and in that case the
middle one would be missing now the
rightmost pedal is called the damper
pedal the damper pedal operates when I
depress on the damper pedal what happens
inside what happens inside is that when
I depress all the dampers are elevated
we’ll try that again are depressed and
all the dampers will be elevated by
doing so when I make some sounds it’s
going to cause parasympathetic vibration
of the strings I’ll demonstrate by just
yelling at the piano hey you hear the
reverb now instead of me yell
now let’s create a nice sound with a
dampers up
you hear a ring until when I release the
pedal which causes the dampers to
descend the sound would be stopped
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