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Greg Giraldo Interview: The Nasty Show at Montreal’s Just For Laughs Festival

how old are you and the white tank top
how will you go to you hung why can she
walk if you’re easily offended you may
want to plug your ears because these
comedians just don’t hold back what’s up
fuckers I don’t think you guys are all
terrorists gay interracial dating yeah I
hope you die in a fire hi I’m Veronica and today we’re kicking
off the montreal just for laughs
festival with the nasty show touch my
dick touch my dick I’ll fucking touch my
own dick I don’t need anybody you want
to kiss it holy shit that’s exciting I
think the nasty show is the most
child-friendly of all the events here
when did America become this nation of
puritanical asshole it’s very postmodern
ironic when we say nasty we really mean
Christian did you guys follow that story
about the horse with the fucked-up leg
Paul McCartney’s wife for those who
haven’t been to the festival what is the
nasty shouts one of the first just for
live shows that we started years ago and
what happened was is we were doing our
club soda shows and one night we wrote
nasty just for fun because we knew
there’d be some dirty comedians I think
Chappelle and some other people are on
it we saw a huge spike in sales that
night so that’s how the nasty show is
created and these apparently my trailers
are a little bit creepy and I don’t know
what it is the fuck is wrong everybody
here looks like exactly same swarthy
little madrasa dwelling bomb-makers you
all have the same kind of general
fucking hairy but creepy vibe if there’s
one place of the festival where you can
be sure that the audience is not going
to be patronized so we’re not gonna be
concerned about what people may think I
think that’s what you’re gonna see
tonight well this is every comics dream
a comedy show on monday at seven o’clock
to me and this show just means you could
be funny without worrying about
censoring yourself but the idea is not
to just out gross each other or to be
disgusting or just filthy how many ideas
to be funny so she bent over to tie her
shoe I just pushed her over has been
she helped you out in any other areas of
life in my gay porn career at help quite
a bit yeah that’s where I got that the
comedians are able to say things that no
one else could say in any other
situation how do they make the audience
laughs and fall in love with them rather
than like yell at them and kick them off
stage look at this little skinny douche
but I fucking hate skin I really I want
to punch you in your abs all 27 of them
even that V cock AB I know you have when
you hang out with a friend who swears
for no reason after a while you’re like
okay buddy enough already it’s the same
thing with the nasty show these are
smart some of the smartest comedian in
the world but they’re smart happens to
be different than our smart I don’t give
a fuck i think weird shit I say it I do
it what are they gonna do take away my
birthday that’s all I fucking have greg
Giraldo is the host of our nasty show
this year has a Harvard Law degree one
black guy holy shit how are you doing
man we’re talking about legitimate
international comedians we’re at the top
of their game and they have a little fun
doing this this context accommodate for
one week for us everywhere folks it’s a
nasty show ok should I say Chism tea
what what do you want come tea for the
holidays pretty kids ok
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