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Game of Thrones Season 8: TRAILER BREAKDOWN

hey guys welcome to let’s
do it oh my god okay so I just want to
point out that there have been articles
circulating on the internet that are
saying that a female cast member a
series regular fainted on the set of
Game of Thrones because the filming
process was so grueling I wouldn’t be
surprised if it was amazing Williams
look at her she’s not having a good time
no she doesn’t look good I mean she
looks great but she doesn’t look good
she looks sick let’s keep learning
Dallas okay let’s stop here this is
Barris in the crypts of Winterfell as a
direwolf behind ya you can see the
direwolf right there and we can also see
the statue of someone not quite sure who
it is so this is pretty much the Battle
of Winterfell I think it’s safe to say
that they’re all under there during the
Battle of wonderment yep it looks like
they’re hiding the women and children
embarrass and he looks pretty scared and
I think there’s a chance that maybe they
breach the walls because he looks like
he’s reacting to some sounds up above
look at his eyes he’s terrified him okay
we have varying theories on this scene
so what I think is that this is Arya
preparing for battle and what we just
saw is when she realizes okay I’m in
deep so I think because she
references faces that she’s actually
probably about to cut someone’s face off
okay that’s what she does but she’s
holding a dragon in class so what I
would cut off some of his face yeah I
guess that I would I feel like Arya is
such a strong character she’s not afraid
of anything because she’s had such I
mean a terrible experience and she’s
grown so much so she seems really
confident here really overly confident
which is such a stark contrast to what
we just saw her running through we
assume Winterfell we don’t know what
she’s running from I think she would be
running from a white because arya has
not scared of no men woman anything so
it’s possible it’s one I don’t know
what’s going on here if she’s cutting
off someone’s face I’d be interested to
know who maybe it’s a white maybe oh my
okay so here we have your on Greyjoy’s
ships and we have the golden company so
as you all know at the end of season
seven during the meeting with Daenerys
Cersei saw the white for the first time
and you’re on Greyjoy was like I’m out
by and he left we found out that that
was kind of like a red herring and that
he was actually going to get the golden
company for Cersei now for what we’re
not exactly sure this character here is
I’m assuming it’s Harry Strickland right
the casually and we can probably confirm
that because the actor Mark Richmond I’m
not sure if I’m pronouncing that right
has been cast in this role so we know
that he has a part to play in this last
because he has a flaming sword and it’s
super cool and you can’t kill off the
character like that yet yeah I feel like
that was like a huge cliffhanger of
season 7 like whether tormund was going
to survive and have babies with Brienne
I mean that’s like all I care about
yeah so I’m really glad to see them in
this season because when they were going
to hardhome and they were walking all
together that badass clan i just it
wouldn’t be the same without they have
to be there for the fun yeah okay so
this is bran
still looking creepy when we lost so
brand and sand together bran was telling
Sam about that that John is sleeping
with his on basically yes is this the
same conversation and Sam is looking at
the camera like my god can this
conversation go on any longer bran is
like a nice little ship John and Danny
or do I have to stop yeah yeah I don’t
really know what this expression is but
you had something really interesting to
say about Sam when I want you to say it
again everything you did
okay so brand saying everything you did
brought you where you are and he might
be talking to Sam and the thing about
Sam is that so far has played kind of a
sidekick role but his name Samwell Tarly
is very similar to Samwise Gamgee from
London rings who of course played a
pivotal role in in the very ending at
the climax of the books so I think it’s
possible that he’s telling Sam that Sam
actually has a similar simile pivotal
role I love that I have chills honestly
I love Sam as a character and I think
he’s kind of like an unsung hero in that
way he’s so loyal to John you know that
he always has his back so I loved that I
was gonna pick anyone to live out this
series I think Sam is going to live out
the series for sure I love doing I’m so
okay so here we have Cersei we see the
mountain in the back we see her hand
who is she greeting it seems like she’s
greeting she was a smug little smirk
she’s definitely happy to see someone it
could be the golden company yeah I think
so and she’s she’s dressed to the nines
like look at those shoulder pads the
costume design and this final-season is
to die for
we’ll see a little bit more of that
so the unsullied marching towards
so jounin and Daenerys finally arriving
I went to felt together this is amazing
and like I said about the costume design
Daenerys the North suits her she looks
me doesn’t time
all right does Gendry looking ripped
he’s been hitting the forge hard yeah
manufacturing some dragonglass weapons
yeah I think that’s his that’s the role
that he has to play in this whole thing
and I think that he’s so pivotal and I’m
so excited to see what his character has
to offer
I don’t know if anybody out there is
shipping Aria and Gendry like I am but I
never even thought of that to be honest
they’re still together this is Jamie
Jamie aye
Jamie has won probably one of the best
character arcs and character development
stories in the history of television
I remember hating him so much when I
read the first book yeah and it’s so
annoying how much we like him now I know
such a great character and you can hear
him saying here that like he intends to
keep his promise to fight for the living
he has honor and looks like he’s gotten
pretty good at fighting now with his
other hand okay so this is like a really
interesting part and I don’t really know
what to make of it because Cersei and
Lena Headey have this face that you just
you can’t really tell what’s going on
behind the curtain she looks kind of
scared she looks like she’s been
startled maybe a woken from her sleep
she’s wearing like a like a bathrobe or
something so maybe she has a visitor
that she wasn’t expecting maybe maybe
she looks happy at first and then it’s
like something hits her and all of a
sudden she’s really sad and yeah maybe
it’s Jamie maybe a lot of people think
that Jamie is gonna be the one to kill
so see and this could be it she could be
realizing that he’s there – tequila
mm-hmm or it could be her finding out
that just heard all the bank loans have
been denied no this is incredible
I have to say that the CGI in this
season is looking better than I ever had
before I know a lot of people are kind
of saying we’re lacking a bit of the
direwolves in this trailer but they’re
definitely gonna be in the final season
there was an article that was written
about it it’s confirmed that I’m gonna
see some ghosts yeah I don’t hopefully
some soup outs and some Nymeria
hopefully as well
Jonathan Edwards Oh the hound Canaan
ball hmm Clegane bowl look at the fire
looks like it could be happening oh my
okay so I think this is the part that
we’ve all been waiting for John is going
to ride the dragon very possible yep I
think they seemed comfortable around him
it’s possible he’s about to take a sharp
left turn right here hahaha jump on the
back of every go I’m sorry named after
his father right so it would be coming
full circle I’m really really anxious to
see where this is going I we know that
he has a connection with the Dragons
because last season when he touches the
dragon and they have a really good you
we’ve got like everyone here we have pod
we have Brienne we have the Knights of
the Vale they’re all lining up and they
look scared it seems like the final
faceoff yeah with the White Walkers oh
my god Jorah oh my god oh that is
terrifying mm-hmm I I I don’t know what
to say
okay overall thoughts it was a great
trailer we saw almost everybody in it
but it’s still you know it flowed pretty
well yeah
it’s set everything up for the final
battle Welford the the confrontation
between the North and Cersei mm-hmm and
the confrontation between the living and
the White Walkers I think it was great
okay I love that so here’s the thing I
feel like this trailer focuses a lot on
the Battle of Winterfell which i think
is going to be a pivotal part of the
last season however I have a feeling
that would probably happen around the
third or fourth episode I don’t think
that this is like the end all conflict I
have a feeling that there’s something
more that’s gonna happen that’s
interesting because that could mean that
Winterfell if it was early it it seems
like that would mean that Winterfell is
gonna be overrun right gonna have to
retreat but then we also have to find
out later in the season like what’s
gonna happen with King’s Landing what’s
gonna happen with all the people there
so I feel like the Battle of Winterfell
is definitely gonna be like a pivotal
moment of the final season but is it the
pivotal moment we don’t know so what do
you guys think let us know in the
comments below and I don’t really have
much else to say that was that was
incredible it was great yeah thank you
guys so much for watching take care
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