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Fair Trade Beauty Products

stay gorgeous and do your part by buying
Fairtrade and ethical beauty products hi
welcome to I’m your host
Ashley and today we’re a planet mode to
learn more about these fair trade beauty
products what does fair trade beauty
products exactly mean the description is
fair trade we always think about good
wages for the workers but it’s not just
a question of salary which is a very
important part of it but it’s also
respect of the land so it’s often an
organic culture and also the respect of
the local culture and people of course
and what is the difference between bio
natural beauty products a natural
doesn’t basically mean nothing because
there’s no law or just description of
what is natural so you can call
basically anything natural when
something is a organic certified it
means that it has a very strict a list
of conditions that it has to meet that’s
where we know that something is natural
when we’re looking on beauty product
labels what are you exactly supposed to
look for as a consumer if you want to
make sure that you buy something that is
organic and fair trade you need
certifications it says a cosmetic view
which is a known organic certification
you have also a cosa you have all kind
of different certification and the fort
free trade is the same thing you have
max a flaw you have came back today the
other way is sometime like here at the
net Mon we don’t sell only things that
are fair trade certified with some
things that we call that are ethical we
have direct contact with the the co-op’s
and we know the way they work we know
the way they pay their workers so we
establish a confidence relationship with
them are non-bio non natural products
bad for us nothing is proved
scientifically but we think that if
there is a doubt be rather just avoid
using them we can start here with the
team is they mrs. French it’s really
like cosmetic the way we may be
understand it here like a day cream
night cream eye cream and all those
things but it’s one of the rare
organic and fair trade certified
cosmetic lines certification is a max
Avila for the fair trade and the
cosmetic deal for the organic
certification argan oil is getting
pretty known here it comes from Morocco
it’s a tree that grows in the south of
Morocco this is an example of a product
that is not fair trade certified but it
is definitely very ethical it’s a small
association that hires Palestinian
Jordanians and Australians that works
together in a war zone like this it’s a
nice step anyway to try to promote peace
the alex saw which is the traditional
soap from Assyria they start making soap
maybe like if 2,000 years ago when it’s
basically the same recipe which is olive
oil and v3 or nice body scrubs and body
butter that are fair trade certified and
organic argan soaps from the Afghanistan
coops so they are beautifully call them
soak stones so they really look like
River stones again it’s all natural
handmade so
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