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Elizabeth Blackwell in’s Women with Mojo Serie

form februari third 1821 Elizabeth
Blackwell became the first woman to
practice medicine in the United States
wine to dedicate her life to medicine
she took up residence in the physicians
household while there she used a time to
study from the family’s medical library
she applied to several prominent medical
schools but was rejected by each one the
second time around she sent applications
to smaller ones and was accepted by the
Geneva’s College in New York however she
was only accepted because the student
body was allowed to vote on her
application because they thought it was
a hoax now despite the prejudice she
faced by some of the students and the
teachers she’s still attended and
finished my top ranking in the school on
January 23 18-49 she became the first
woman to earn a medical degree in the
United States since she was barred from
practice in most hospitals she founded
the New York infirmary for indigent
women and children in 1857 in 1868 she
founded the Women’s Medical College to
formally trained nurses doctors and
physicians in 1869 she returned to
England where she opened the Women’s
Medical College with Florence
Nightingale she became the first woman
doctor to be registered in the UK
Medical registry and at the age of 86
she retired
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