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Documentary on 9/11 Truth Movement – Part 7

ask some people who were here what they
thought of it but basically we’re just
asking the question we’re not trying to
answer them this March and when we when
we are trying to present the alternate
argument it’s not us saying it anyone we
were actually able to go get the
interviews we were able to dig up a lot
of footage we were able to go through
the Commission hearings and it’s just a
totally new movie we go into the
hijackers in the beginning so we can
show the anomalies there they were
trained at military bases the able
danger program that identify dada and
others that was ignored 70 plus x by the
uppers and then they made them destroy
the data you know and then when they
tried to go public about in the hearings
they were literally gagged before so
that was important to show up for me I
think we revise our Pentagon chapter to
show both sides of the argument we shut
he revised some Shanksville chapter and
really the demolition chapter of World
Trade Center 12 and 7 they’re just so
much different than I believe we were
able to get that interview in seven with
someone who was actually blown up in
seven you know prior to both buildings
collapsing and that’s incredible because
a lot of people have dismissed that and
they were both on TV that day and I
tried to contact the other guy and he
wouldn’t come back and get me up we got
one so you know it’s a big time
different we’re trying to reach an older
more mature audience we feel like we
woke up a lot of the youth with this one
let’s get the soccer moms and the dad’s
so we can really get to do invest we’ve
exchanged marks
an overview of everything it touches on
everything you know all the holes i
guess in the in the 911 Commission and
the airport I come but it doesn’t get
too too into detail about any of it and
then anything that may have been really
hard for me to fathom at the time are
explained another who know we’ve
probably sold over a hundred thousand
hard copies way over I mean even last
year because we sell them in spindles to
you know so people who are more
accessible gave away ten thousand here
last year you know you’ve seen our hits
on google video you know seven million
plus since last August on one alone and
before that 10 and 15 million on some
different ones so we’ve distribute this
around the weather plus last year aired
on the history channel in Australia New
Zealand myself probably 5,000 dvds in
the last two years so I just keep trying
Lana literature up and push a lot busy
though I have a lot of screen action my
country descanses he’s already burned
the 911 Commission reports and got on TV
for that yeah we just don’t believe in
that report never suspected anything
about 911 I thought I found I thought
these conspiracy you guys were a bunch
of kooks I didn’t believe it a GD thing
all right then I saw loose change I
checked it I did the research i was
shocked i and and I’ve never been the
same since from then I found alex jones
those chains woke me up alex jones get
to jerk me I’ll do it my first year out
of high school he somehow you got it he
got he got something the video from alex
jones because alex jones just boston
where we’re from
that’s when he first found out that
controlled demolition it was an inside
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