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Documentary on 9/11 Truth Movement – Part 5

it’s absolutely provable that a lot of
the bin Laden but it’s just fake not
only of experts video experts from
around the world are saying that but you
can prove it yourself by looking at old
an old documentary that has this you
know clip of bin Laden in there and then
something that was released a couple
years ago maybe in 2005 that that
recycles that you know it’s just it’s
amazing but people don’t have the time
or the inclination to really look into
and they just see it on the news up new
bin Laden he’s still out there still a
threat and he sees not the threat cycle
back to the seventies during the
cabulance desperation and we have a lot
more investigation in our media than
many vegans nothing nothing FBI admits
no hard evidence linking bin Laden to
the 9/11 attacks I mean and you can go
to and look there he’s not
please everybody go there he’s he’s
listed for the you know the 93 he’s
wanted for the 93 bombings and the USS
Cole but not for 9/11 there’s no mention
on that why you think even if they
wanted to cover up just I don’t know why
they should just put that on there Here
I am consulting for the government you
know if you want to just keep your lies
straight be consistent have him on there
just put 911 I mean it’s it’s insane
first it was there terrorists are
harboring bin Laden then it was they’ve
got best weapons of mass destruction
then it was Operation Iraqi Freedom so
and then they go in there and kill all
the Iraqis BBC reported that you know
years ago that seven six or seven of the
alleged hijackers turned up alive it’s
not the same media that I’m used to the
Jim Jensen the David Berkeley Chet
Huntley from the back in 70s
reading military deception manuals on
how to use media there’s an actual term
neocortical warfare
there’s mimetic warfare using memes I
mean they know all this stuff they give
you a little piece of the news in one
publication over here then there’s
another piece over here a piece over
here you know they nobody’s really
connects to Doc’s
when somebody finally collects all the
dots and puts them in one spot you know
then you have a picture they know about
trauma-based mind control and that’s
basically we were we were we had that
done to us we were traumatized we
believe the official story you’re gonna
go in there and kill thousands and
thousands of other people what makes it
so different to kill somebody who lives
in space
when I was about it was passed
when you are ready
this is why I said
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