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Dance Through The Ages With Judson Laipply

you’ll know him by his moves hi I’m
Veronica and today we’re
speaking with a man that’s been
educating and entertaining audiences all
over the world your video dance through
the ages has hit the internet by storm
did you expect all this Fame never in a
million years would I have expected it
to do what it did you know I just put it
up just to put it up I mean it had I
known I don’t know if I would have done
things differently but no one could have
predicted that something like that would
happen did you post the video purposely
or was it put up by someone else some
students that I had done some work with
wanted me to put the whole video up so
they could watch it and learn it for a
talent show so they said go put up your
video on myspace and I was like well how
do you do that and they’re like oh go
use this thing called YouTube I guess
because at that time nobody knew what
YouTube was it was still very very small
and so I went and learned how to do it
and I just did it and that was it I
didn’t tell anybody I didn’t make a big
announcement I just kind of let it go
what would you be doing right now if it
weren’t for you too well I’m very
fortunate that I’m doing exactly what I
was before I was working as a
professional speaker and was doing the
dance at the end of my shows for about
six years before the YouTube video hit
so for me it’s really nice because all
that extra leverage and extra exposure
just helped my career didn’t cause me to
go I should go do this now I’ve seen
this shirt in a lot of interviews is
their story behind it funny thing is
everybody asks that the only story
behind it was when I decided to put a
video on the internet I went through all
of my different footage that I had of me
dancing and I picked out the one that
had the best video and the best audio
feed and it just happened that I was
wearing an orange crush t-shirt at that
point in time the video was filmed in
2006 I had a how many licks does it take
to get to the center of a lollipop
t-shirt and a lion punch at a Reading
Rainbow crush you know dr. pepper
so how do you choose your mousse the
rule of thumb was if you could see the
dance but not hear the music would you
still know what song is being played
you’ve studied the dance move through
the ages what’s your favorite one my
personal favorite one is probably the
Apache jump on it which comes from fresh
prince of bel-air it’s one of those
things where you either know it but you
have no idea what it is the key to this
one is you look really serious when you
do the hip part and then when you do the
little little rope guy like this then
you kind of look like a big cheesy grin
so it goes well then and then the other
way alright so here we go yeah you got
to do at least once so okay and we’re
gonna go this way so go then that’s all
we got for you today keep dancing
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