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Critique de Film: The New World

in welcome notes hawache I still I will today
Dany Wallyn of terrence malick just out on DVD
So as the name Banimmo indicated by the arrival of the English in
New World is installing body gennes stone Va
I saw the trailer of the film where perhaps awaited film ventured
classic of the genre
English friendly against the wicked van Dillen where Zambian nice
English against the bad guys with a love story between the hero if
often overshadowed by the more we tried with colin farrell is
Hollywood hero par excellence and good not if you are expecting a
defined you’ll probably be disappointed
two general sets this film apart maybe not so original when
has seen the previous films of Terrence malick
an enormous place is given to the thoughts of the characters afp by
unique process took close often in his films of the long poem of song
we have access to the thoughts of characters each in turn
but the central character of this film and this is undoubtedly the character 40
masterfully interpreted by seats
koh lanta which carries the crisis through a beauty of a natural or
in fact in this film where vauvert destiny we pass it never says his
child in the film and new world are linked to evidence
this scene is trapped feet and the size of the girl in a
corsets and shoes
he makes her beauty to the film are probably plans to repeat the safe
wear green fields the nature hall
this is what makes many viewers have probably found
Film a little during statistical fact that the new world here
character in its own right as often in nature films
terrence malick
is presented as a sort of garden of Eden before further
if we want to have a very great poetry in these images it is
can only praise the work of light congratulations technical team
the image is constantly is full of health
suddenly fear is rare to have hit it really is a ten picture
brandt resonates
every sense of spectacular sounds false
music and voice resonates in your accompanies all the time the police
movie gradually instruments accords music rises like
the land transaction
as stated bluntly what is really wonderful
My husband and I have too because it takes you see
and action might be a little fast summary loved and daughter pose
above all the question of the quest almost seek new hero
and especially to find the builders
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